Wulf, K.

Monitoring the effect of cat removal on reproductive success in Red-billed Tropicbird colonies on Saba, 2013-2014: first season of results

One of the most deleterious invasive introduced predators worldwide is the domestic cat which has been found responsible for many island extinctions worldwide. Cats can live off both natural prey and garbage and can be a particularly serious threat to ground-nesting bird populations. Saba is an important location for the Red-billed Tropicbird, Phaethon aethereus and feral cats are thought to be the main reason for the low breeding success in the southern coastal colonies of this bird.

To make proper decisions in invasive predator management, information is needed on the effects of cat removal on the tropicbird breeding success and the possible resulting increase in egg predation by rats in the case of any “mesopredator release effects”. In this study we collected the first season of data needed to assess the effect of cat removal on the breeding success of the tropicbird on Saba. Two tropicbird nesting colonies (Great Level and Tent) were monitored in terms of egg and chick predation, under different net cat-removal intensities and the resulting survival was compared to survival prior to cat removal (as documented elsewhere).

In total, Saba Conservation Foundation removed 19 cats from the entire study area, of which eleven adult cats were removed from the Great Level colony and only six adult cats and two kittens were removed from the Tent colony. The gut contents of the 17 of these 19 feral cats consisted of natural prey (grasshoppers, rats, chickens, anoles and crickets), bait placed in the trap or even plant material. In the previous season 18 cats had already been removed (12 trapped, 6 shot) from the Great Level area.

During the period of September 2013 to May 2014, 46 occupied tropicbird nests were monitored, 27 at Tent, 15 at Great Level and 4 at Fort Bay. Fort Bay was not used in the data analysis. Egg-laying was documented in 34 of these nests. Observed egg failures were due to a variety of causes such as failure to hatch , broken eggs, including the breaking of an egg by an adult, and the disappearance of the whole nest due to heavy rainfall. Egg survival did not show a significant difference between the two colonies. In total 23 chicks were born, of which at least 15 died. Chick survival did show a significant difference between the two colonies, whereas prior to cat removal both had had zero chick survival. The breeding success of the tropicbirds and percentage of chicks fledged did appear to increase encouragingly in the breeding colony where cats had been more intensely culled (Great Level; 28 of initial 35 adult cats removed during two trapping seasons). The success on Great Level is notable, because in the breeding season of 2011/2012 the breeding success had been zero percent for several years.

Around the Tent colony only six adult cats were removed this season (total of 7 removed during two trapping seasons), which was insufficient to effectively increase breeding success in the tropicbird. A comparison of camera-trap densities showed that effective cat density at Tent by the end of trapping remained 4-5 times higher than at Great Level where 28 of the initial 35 adult cats had been removed. In total four black rats were observed on the camera traps but only appeared to be scavenging and no active egg predation was observed. These preliminary results suggest that cat removal seems to improve fledgling survival at no appreciable expense in terms of egg predation and that risks of any hypothetical “mesopredator release effects” are limited. Due to the low sample sizes in this first season, and natural fluctuations in breeding success which are normal in seabirds, clearly happenstance or other causative factors could equally explain the results obtained. Therefore, more definitive conclusions will depend on a more extensive and multi-year effort. 


Key recommendations:

  • Continue with and expand feral cat removal from the main tropicbird nesting colonies.
  • Simultaneously monitor nesting success and fledgling survival to develop a more robust data set over a longer time-frame. With an expanded sample size, the benefits in terms of net fledgling survival and any risks of potential “mesopredator release effects” can be more firmly assessed.
  • Many cats were documented to be wary of traps. Trapping was also very labour-intensive and entailed both trapping and handling stress. For these reasons additional, more effective yet humane methods (such as predator baiting or shooting) should be used. These methods have proven to be key to effective control of invasive predators worldwide.
  • As long as legislation and control of cat importation, keeping and sterilization remain less than strictly implemented and failsafe solutions remain wanting, we recommend to focus removal efforts towards key tropicbird nesting colonies shortly before or during the main nesting season each year.

    This research was funded as part of the Wageningen University BO research program (BO-11-011. 05- 029) under project number 4308701028 (A Debrot, PI). 

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Research report
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Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA) map of Bonaire

Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA) map of Bonaire (GIS).

See Bird life international website for program description

Data type
Maps and Charts
Research and monitoring
Geographic location

Predation threats to the Red- billed Tropicbird breeding colony of Saba: focus on cats


Feral domestic cats (Felis catus) are recognized as one of the most devastating alien predator species in the world and are a major threat to nesting colonies of the Red-billed Tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus), on Saba island, Dutch Caribbean. Cats and rats are both known to impact nesting seabirds and hence are both potential threats to the tropicbird on Saba. However, whereas the tropicbird has coexisted with rats for centuries, cats have only recently become a problem (since about 2000). Several studies from the region suggest that the tropicbird may be less-vulnerable to rats but cats have been unequivocally implicated in the depredation of tropicbird nests on Saba (unpublished data, Michiel Boeken). In this study we collected baseline data on cat and rat distribution, and cat diet and health. We also conducted 83 questionnaire interviews with Saba residents to assess their views on cats, rats, tropicbirds and the acceptability of different management options.

Two methods were used to assess cat density distribution. We used baited camera traps (73 successful 2-night deployments divided among 4 habitat categories) as an index of relative density. We also used scat densities (collected from 15,474 meters of transect from eleven trails) from which to extrapolate and compare relative cat densities in different habitats. For the study of diet we collected and analysed a total of 94 cat scats and studied the intestinal contents of 13 sacrificed feral cats.

Both scat densities and camera trap recordings showed large and statistically significant differences in cat density on trails between habitat zones. Cat densities were lowest in the lush forest habitat found at higher elevations (mean: 4 cats/km2) on the island and highest at lower coastal elevations. Densities were particularly high (mean: 286 cats/km2) in the small area surrounding the island landfill where food, consisting of human refuse and garbage was abundant. These densities are for areas along hiking- and goat-trails. These are actively selected by cats. Therefore, densities along trails cannot be simply extrapolated to the rest of the island.

While at the landfill daily incineration of garbage takes place, un-incinerated garbage is left open overnight almost every day. This provides feral cats with an ample food source. Construction of a vermin- proof, concrete overnight storage pen could greatly reduce food availability to cats and rats. Dry woodland and coastal scrub trail habitat had intermediate cat densities (respectively, 107 and 166, cat/km2). Rat density as documented using camera traps was highest in the forest habitat where food, water and shelter for rats was particularly abundant. Rat and cat density were markedly inversely related. Cats were concentrated at lower elevations and in more open areas where tropicbirds principally nest.

Diet analysis showed the feral cats on Saba are an opportunistic predator-scavenger consuming various categories of prey (mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects) as well as anthropogenic waste. Food composition of the feral cats of Saba differed significantly between habitats. Overall, rats were the most important food species of the cat, followed by reptiles and birds. However at the landfill where cat population densities were highest, birds and rats were strongly reduced in the diet, while garbage and reptiles were of greatly increased importance. Scats collected in the forest zone suggested a lower importance of rats in the diet of cats than at lower arid elevations. The cat scats collected in the urban environment had no prey species represented and were apparently all from well-fed house cats. The opportunistic and flexible food habits documented for cats in this study allows them to easily switch to seasonally abundant prey (for instance during the seabird breeding seasons).

Preliminary veterinary assessments on cats removed from the landfill showed the animals to be in overall poor health. This suggest that releasing neutered cats back into the wild without any further supporting care may be much less humane than typically assumed. Based on these results and taking into account the welfare concerns of the tropicbirds preyed upon by cats, the Saba Foundation for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SFPCA) has decided to discontinue its practice of releasing neutered unwanted cats into the wild (Trap-Neuter-Release, or TNR).

Public views regarding cats, tropicbirds and management options as assessed using a simple questionnaire and 83 questionnaire returns were obtained. Around 30% of the participants owned cats of which only about 5% were not neutered. A significant majority of respondents (66%) believed feral cats on Saba are an environmental problem. In this there was no difference between natives and expat residents. Most (44%) believed that cats were principally a problem in being a threat to wildlife. Diseases and parasites was quoted as the second-most perceived problem with feral cats (30%). Feral cats and rats scored as the two most important perceived threats to the tropicbird (respectively, 65% and 70%). When asked “how many saved tropicbirds do you think justifies the death of one cat”, 38% of Sabans and 22% of expats did not answer the question. Of those that did answer, 36% of Sabans and 48% of expats, valued the life of a tropicbird more than that of a single cat. The remainder considered cats somewhat more important than one tropicbirds but only few (5% natives, 18% expats) considered feral cats more important than the combined sum of all their tropicbird prey. Between 70-80% of respondents thought registration, neutering and removal of cats from breeding colonies was a good idea. When asked if euthanization would be acceptable to them, a significant majority (80%) found it to be an acceptable method for use in cat control. Finally, 43% even thought that total eradication of all cats (domestic and feral) from the island would be a good idea. Of the participants upwards of 80% stated that rats were also an environmental problem and more measures to control rats are supported by 75% of those interviewed. Awareness and willingness of the Saban resident population towards measures against cats and rats are clearly high. This means that there exists a wide management scope to implement measures with which to address these problems.

For more than 15 years government rat control has used brodifacoum as the main rodenticide, but rats remain a widespread and unrelenting problem on Saba. This suggests that the rats might well have become partly resistant to this anticoagulant toxin and that the time has come to alternate to a different rodenticide. Alternating use of rodenticides is the internationally recommended practice for rat control. It is already being practiced on nearby St. Eustatius where rat problems are much less acute than on Saba (but where feral fruit trees are also less abundant and landfill practices are also less favourable to vermin).

Key management recommendations:

  • Upgrade the 2004 Saba “Island Ordinance on Identification and Registration of Livestock and Domestic Animals” to prohibit the importation and keeping of unneutered cats.
  • Capacitate the SFPCA to enforce the mandatory registration of domestic animals.
  • Construct a vermin-proof concrete overnight pen at the Saba landfill (for secure storage of the garbage that might not be incinerated the same day).
  • From now on euthanize all unwanted and uncared-for stray and feral nuisance cats.
  • Judiciously use humane euthanization to address the acute overpopulation of cats in particularly sensitive areas (such as the mapped seabird colonies) as this is quite acceptable to Saban residents.
  • Start use of a new alternative rodenticide, following the example from St. Eustatius.
  • Management measures need to be accompanied by an (inter)active and effective communication plan to keep public support levels high.

Key recommendations for research:

  • Investigate the role of rats as predators, not only with respect to seabirds but also in the forested zone where they are most abundant and may seriously impact native forest species.
  • Assess the effect of cat removal on tropicbird breeding success and on rat population density, as well as the broader predator-prey relationships on the island. 
Data type
Research report
Research and monitoring
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Geographic location

Important Bird Areas in the Caribbean Netherlands


The Important Bird Area (IBA) programme is an initiative of BirdLife International aimed at identifying, monitoring and protecting a network of key sites for the conservation of the world's birds. On the islands, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius (Statia) and Saba, nine IBAs have been designated in recent years. Prior to this study the boundaries of these areas were imprecisely defined and the specific ecological values of these areas were poorly documented and did not provide sufficient footing for further legal protection. In this report we compile available information, add recently collected field data and precisely define boundaries based on ecological and planning criteria so as to furnish the level of documentation sufficient to allow further legal designation and protection by island governments.

In this report we specifically:

  • document the most important ecological values represented in each IBA
  • define exact boundaries based on ecological and planning criteria and pinpoint core areas that can be distinguished for each IBA 
  • discuss the IBA’s spatial context within development and/or land-use plans
  • identify potential factors and developments that threaten the long-term spatial and ecological integrity of each IBA
  • determine which measures are needed to maintain the spatial and ecological integrity of each IBA.

On Saba one IBA is identified: Saba coastline IBA (AN 006). The 2,145 ha IBA of Saba lacks any form of legal designation as a protected area. Its value is especially based on breeding seabirds, most importantly the Red-billed Tropicbird and the Audubon’s Shearwater. In addition to legal designation, measures needed to protect the values of this IBA include eradication or control of predators such as cats and rats, and management of the garbage dump to limit the number of these predators. On Saba no gaps in IBA coverage are identified.

On Sint Eustatius two IBAs are identified: Boven (AN 007) and The Quill (AN 008). In contrast to Saba, the two IBAs of St. Eustatius enjoy almost full legal designation as protected park areas. Based on our findings we propose an extension of the 1,106 ha Boven IBA to include Signal Hill for its concentration of nesting Red-billed Tropicbirds. The problems caused by cats and rats are much less acute on Statia than on Saba. The value of the 472 ha Quill IBA is largely based on the resident breeding landbirds it supports. Key threats include goats and possibly feral chickens.

On Bonaire six IBAs are identified: Washington-Slagbaai National Park (AN 009), Dos Pos (AN 010), Washikemba-Fontein-Onima (AN 011), Klein Bonaire (AN 012), Lac Bay (AN 013), and Pekelmeer Saltworks (AN 014). The IBAs are designated as “nature” or “open landscape” in the Nature Policy Plan Bonaire spatial plan, thus enjoying protection. 

Washington-Slagbaai National Park (AN 009). (Size: 7,529 ha.) 
The Slagbaai IBA covers a diversity of habitats ranging from coastal lagoons to vegetated hillsides. Key values include its habitat value for Yellow-shouldered Amazon, nesting terns and foraging (West-Indian) Flamingos. Most of the area is legally protected either as an island park or with Ramsar status and actively managed. Key threats include overgrazing by feral goats and pigs. Poaching of the Yellow-shouldered Amazon is also a significant problem. Disturbance of tern colonies also occurs due to inappropriate routing of vehicles close to the important nesting island in the Slagbaai lagoon.

Dos Pos (AN 010) (Size: 293 ha.)
Dos Pos IBA is relatively small and largely has no legal protected status. It is an important freshwater site and is both of importance to resident species of which Yellow-shouldered Amazon is the most threatened worldwide. 

Washikemba-Fontein-Onima (AN 011) (Size: 6,286 ha.)
The Washikemba-Fontein-Onima IBA includes critical habitat for the Yellow-shouldered Amazon, nesting terns and the Caribbean Coot. About half the area is legally designated as either as “Island Park” or “Protected Landscape” in the Nature Policy Plan Bonaire. 

Klein Bonaire (AN 012) (Size: 2,052 ha.)
The Klein Bonaire IBA enjoys full legal protection being designated as a local conservation area and as an internationally recognized Ramsar wetland. The island and surrounding reef are protected within the Bonaire National Marine Park. It is principally of value as a tern nesting island. The woodlands are recovering since complete removal of goats from the island.

Lac Bay (AN 013) (Size: 2,117 ha.)
The Lac Bay IBA enjoys legal designation both as an island conservation area and as international Ramsar wetland site. The mangroves and salt flats are of local significance to nesting terns and hold a breeding population of the Reddish Egret (IUCN-status Near-Threatened).

Pekelmeer Saltworks (AN 014) (Size 6,197 ha.)
The Pekelmeer Saltworks IBA covers about one fifth of the island of Bonaire. Only the 55 ha “Flamingo Sanctuary” and the Pekelmeer enjoy island legal protected status and Ramsar wetland status, while most of the area is used as saliña by the Cargill company. Key IBA values in this area include the nesting colony of the Caribbean Flamingo, and nesting colonies of various tern species. The construction of isolated islands that will not be subject to industrial traffic along the dikes of the managed ponds should provide suitable nesting habitat for recovery of tern nesting in this area of the island. The Laughing Gull population of Bonaire is expanding largely due to the open landfill. This species predates on tern nests and should be controlled if it continues to expand in numbers.

All in all 18 trigger species occur in the nine IBAs in the Caribbean Netherlands. The IBAs on the Leeward islands of Saba and Sint Eustatius host ten and eleven species respectively. Saba is important for the breeding seabirds Audubon’s Shearwater and Red-billed Tropicbird, species with a high conservation priority. The Saba Coastline IBA is the only IBA in the Caribbean Netherlands that qualifies for Audubon’s Shearwater. Saba’s IBA qualifies for another seven species which are all year-round residents with a restricted world’s breeding distribution. St. Eustatius is important for the breeding seabird Red-billed Tropicbird, as well as another eight species: Bridled Quail-dove, hummingbirds and songbirds with a restricted range. The IBAs on the Leeward island of Bonaire host ten trigger species. Some of Bonaire’s IBAs are important for breeding seabird species with a high conservation priority like Royal, Sandwich, Common and Least Tern. Furthermore Bonaire’s IBAs are important for a number of species with a restricted range, of which Caribbean Coot and Yellow-shouldered Amazon have a high conservation priority.

Management Recommendations

On Bonaire several areas are identified that host IBA key species or other ecological valuable bird species and currently are not designated as IBA: 1) Ponds north of Dos Pos; 2) Ponds east of Kralendijk; 3) Urban parrot roosts; 4) Seru Largu. 


This report is part of the Wageningen University BO research program (BO-11-011.05-016) and was financed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ) under project number 4308701005.

Data type
Research report
Research and monitoring
Report number
Geographic location
St. Eustatius
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