terrestirial malacofauna

Report on a snail excursion Bonaire


In the framework of a series of excursions to the isle of Bonaire (Netherlands’ Antilles) organized by the Dutch National Biodiversity Centre Naturalis and Stichting Nationale Parken (Stinapa) Bonaire, four investigators reexamined the malacofauna of the island. The team found 31 (sub-)species of land snails and slugs and six species of freshwater snails. Twenty of these (sub-)species were not reported from the island before. Based on these results an ‘identification card’ of the land and fresh water molluscs of Bonaire was designed.


Data type
Research report
Research and monitoring
Geographic location

Updated systematic inventory of the non-marine (land/ terrestrial) molluscs occurring in the ABC Islands (Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao), insular territory located in the Dutch Southeast Caribbean facing to the Western coast of Venezuela


Introduction: Once again, simultaneously with the malacological studies carried about the country of Venezuela (Agudo-Padrón2023 a-b) and the immediate neighboring islands of Trinidad & Tobago (Agudo-Padrón2023 c), since 2014 the “Projeto AM” (Brazil) has carried parallel out taxonomic, bioecological and conservation research of the non-marine (land/ terrestrial) molluscs present in the neighbor insular set territory artificially denomined “ABC”(Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao islands). To date, the aspects of the natural history of this geographic region, equally located in the Northern sector of South America, although in the West sector of the Dutch Southeast Caribbean facing to Venezuela mainland, have been regularly studied. Objective: Substantial updating of this knowledge through an exhaustive review of the regional malacological literature of historical and recent nature available. Methodology: Between 2014 and the present, a sequential review of the species occasionally referred to in the regional literature was carried out, examined from the perspective of the current taxonomy in force. Results and conclusions: Verification and determination of fifty-three (53) valid referred nominal taxons, including 15 subspecies & 38 species of land/ terrestrial gastropods, taxonomically grouped into seventeen (17) families and thirty (30) genera

Data type
Scientific article
Research and monitoring
Geographic location