

Three regional Marine Mammal Stranding Response Workshops were organized according to the priorities defined in the 2008-2009 “Workplan and Budget for the SPAW Regional Programme” (2.4) concerning the preservation of threatened and endangered species, and the Action Plan for the Conservation of Marine Mammals in the Wider Caribbean Region’s General Timetable for Implementation (2.12 (2.7.2). These three workshops follow upon the first one organized by the Eastern Caribbean Cetacean Network (ECCN) in 2005 for the Eastern Caribbean region. This report is a brief summary of the three marine mammal stranding workshops whose objective is to focus on the recommendations resulting from the workshops. A complete and detailed report of each workshop is available on the SPAW-RAC website:


1. The Regional Workshop for the Dutch Caribbean Territories in response to Marine Mammal Strandings from 5-7 November 2009 was held in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles.
Twenty-one participants representing Protected Area management organizations, government departments, and non-governmental organizations from six Dutch Caribbean islands attended including Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, St. Eustatius, St. Maarten, and Saba. Trainers and presenters included Charles Potter (Smithsonian Institute’s Marine Mammal Laboratory), Dr. John Reynolds (Mote Marine Laboratory), Dr. Janet Whaley (NOAA Fisheries), Dr. Nathalie Ward (Eastern Caribbean Cetacean Network/U.S. Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Program); Ms. Andrea Bogomolni (Eastern Caribbean Cetacean Network/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), and Helene Souan (SPAW Regional Activity Centre, Guadeloupe.) Paul Hoetjes was the Southern Caribbean Cetacean Network (SCCN) Coordinator in Curacao and Dr. Nathalie Ward (ECCN) served as coordinator for workshop training preparations. The US Marine Mammal Commission, Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA), the Netherlands Antilles’ government, and the Curaçao Sea Aquarium/Dolphin Academy provided funding for the workshop.


Photos available here:

Data type
Research report
Education and outreach

DCNA Junior Ranger Exchange Event 2022

Nederlands, Papiamento and Papiamentu below.


The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) is excited to announce the 2022 Junior Ranger Exchange event, which will be held on St. Eustatius between July 30th and August 5th.  Junior Rangers from Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, St. Eustatius, and St. Maarten will come together to learn all about the unique biodiversity within the Dutch Caribbean, and work to develop positive, cooperative and social skills.


Island Collaboration

Junior Ranger Exchange Event 2019 Participants in Bonaire

This annual event helps build community and collaboration between the Dutch Caribbean islands by supporting the next generation of nature-minded citizens.  Each year, two junior rangers between the ages of 10 and 13 are invited to come together and share what they’ve learned about the nature on their islands.

Participating organizations this year include Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba, Stinapa Bonaire, Saba Conservation Foundation, Stenapa St. Eustatius, and Nature Foundation St. Maarten. By combining educational and scientific components throughout the exchange event, participants are empowered to share ideas and improve the connections between the protected area management organizations and the educational programs.


Building Resilience

The theme of this year’s event is Ecosystem Services and How They Supports Us All.  As small islands, the Dutch Caribbean will be forced to face some of the most significant impacts of climate change. Protecting and improving the local ecosystem services available to each island will help build resilience and ensure each island is capable of flourishing for the next generation. During this event Junior Rangers will develop awareness of each island’s key flora and fauna, learn about the importance of biodiversity and its preservation in response to climate change and explore different links between humans and nature.

This program is funded by Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF-NL). DCNA’s activities are generously funded by the National Postcode Lottery. Island sponsors Azure Beach Hotel in St. Maarten, Winair, and Dominoes Pizza have also graciously donated to this event.


To follow along, stay tuned to DCNA’s social media pages-  Facebook (Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance), Instagram (dcnanature)! For interviews, please contact Dahlia Hassell – Knijff, DCNA Projects Officer at




DCNA Organiseert Junior Ranger Exchange Week 2022

Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) is heel blij het Junior Ranger Exchange evenement 2022 aan te kunnen kondigen. Het evenement vindt plaats tussen 30 juli en 5 augustus op Sint Eustatius. Junior Rangers van Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, St. Eustatius en St. Maarten komen samen om alles te leren over de unieke biodiversiteit in het Nederlands Cariben en om te werken aan de ontwikkeling van positieve, coöperatieve en sociale vaardigheden.


Samenwerking tussen de eilanden

Junior Ranger Exchange Event 2019 deelnemers op Bonaire

Dit jaarlijkse evenement helpt bij het opbouwen van de gemeenschap en de samenwerking tussen de Nederlands Caribische eilanden door de volgende generatie door natuurbewuste burgers te ondersteunen. Elk jaar worden twee junior rangers tussen de 10 en 13 jaar uitgenodigd om samen te komen en te delen wat ze over de natuur op hun eilanden geleerd hebben.

Deelnemende organisaties dit jaar zijn onder meer Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba, Stinapa Bonaire, Saba Conservation Foundation, Stenapa St. Eustatius en Nature Foundation St. Maarten. Door educatieve en wetenschappelijke componenten te combineren tijdens het uitwisselingsevenement worden deelnemers in staat gesteld om ideeën uit te wisselen en de verbindingen tussen de beheersorganisaties van beschermde gebieden en de educatieve programma’s te verbeteren.


Veerkracht opbouwen

Het thema van het evenement van dit jaar is Ecosystem Services and How They Support Us All. Als kleine eilanden zal Caribisch Nederland worden geconfronteerd met enkele van de belangrijkste gevolgen van klimaatverandering. Het beschermen en verbeteren van de lokale ecosysteemdiensten die voor elk eiland beschikbaar zijn, zal helpen om veerkracht op te bouwen en om ervoor te zorgen dat elk eiland kan opbloeien voor de volgende generatie. Tijdens dit evenement zullen Junior Rangers meer bewust worden van de belangrijkste flora en fauna van elk eiland, leren over het belang van biodiversiteit en het behoud ervan als reactie op klimaatverandering en verschillende verbanden tussen mens en natuur onderzoeken.

Dit programma wordt gefinancierd door het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, het Wereld Natuur Fonds (WWF-NL). De activiteiten van DCNA worden genereus gefinancierd door de Nationale Postcode Loterij. Eilandsponsors Azure Beach Hotel in St. Maarten, Winair en Dominoes Pizza hebben ook een genereuze schenking aangeboden voor dit evenement.


Blijf op de hoogte van DCNA’s social media-pagina’s – Facebook (Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance), Instagram (dcnanature) om mee te volgen! Neem voor interviews contact op met Dahlia Hassell – Knijff, DCNA Projects Officer via




DCNA Evento di Intercambio pa Junior Ranger 2022

Dutch Carribean Nature Alliance (DCNA) ta contento pa anuncia e evento di Intercambio di Junior Ranger 2022, cu lo tuma na St. Eustatius entre 30 di juli y 5 di augustus. Junior Ranger di Aruba, Boneiro, Saba, Sint Eustatius y Sint Maarten lo reuni pa siña tur cos tocante e biodiversidad unico den Caribe Hulandes, y traha pa desaroya habilidad positivo, cooperativo y social.


Colaboracion entre e islanan

Junior Ranger Evento di Intercambio 2019 Participante na Boneiro

E evento anual aki ta yuda construi comunidad y colaboracion entre e islanan di Caribe Hulandes apoyando e proximo generacion di ciudadano preocupa pa naturalesa. Cada aña ta invita dos junior ranger entre 10 pa 13 aña di edad pa uni y comparti loke nan a siña tocante naturalesa di nan islanan.

E organisacionnan cu ta participa e aña aki ta  inclui Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba, Stinapa Bonaire, Saba Conservation Foundation, Stenapa St. Eustatius y Nature Foundation St. Maarten. Door di combina componente educativo y cientifico a lo largo di e evento di intercambio, e participantenan ta empodera pa comparti idea y mehora conexion entre e organisacionnan di maneho di area protegi y programa educativo.


Construyendo Resiliencia

E tema di e evento di e aña aki ta Servicio di e ecosistema y con e na ta sostene nos tur. Como islanan chikito, Caribe Hulandes lo mira su mes obliga pa enfrenta algun di e impactonan mas importante di cambio di climati. Protehando y mehora ndoe servicionan ecosistemico local disponibel pa cada isla lo yuda genera resiliencia y ta garantisa cu cada isla por ta capaz di prospera pa e proximo generacion. Durante e evento aki, e Junior Rangernan lo desaroya e consciencia di  flora y fauna clave di cada isla, lo siña tocante e importancia di biodiversidad y su preservacion como  contesta na e cambio climatico y nan lo explora e diferente vinculonan entre e humanonan y naturalesa.

E programa aki ta wordo financia pa Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds, Fondo Mundial pa  Naturalesa (WWF-NL). E actividadnan di DCNA ta generosamente financia pa Loteria Nacional di Codigo Postal. E patrocinadonan di Island Azure Beach Hotel na St. Maarten, Winair y Dominoes Pizza tambe a aporta grandemente na e evento aki.


Pa sigui nos, keda atento na e pagina di red social di DCNA: Facebook (DCNA) , Instagram (dcnanature)! Pa entrevista, comunica cu Dahlia Hassell – Knijff, Oficial di Proyecto di DCNA den




DCNA Junior Ranger Evento di Interkambio 2022

Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) ku hopi entusiasmo ta anunsiá su Junior Ranger Evento di Interkambio 2022, ku lo tuma lugá na Statia di 30 di yüli pa 5 di ougùstùs.  Junior Rangernan for di Aruba, Boneiru, Saba, Statia i St. Maarten lo bini huntu pa siña tokante e biodiversidat úniko denter di Karibe hulandes, i traha pa desaroyá abilidatnan positivo, koperativo i sosial.


Kolaborashon entre e islanan

Junior Ranger Exchange Event 2019 Participants in Bonaire

E evento anual akí ta yuda konstruí sentido di komunidat i kolaborashon entre e islanan di Karibe hulandes dor di krea un generashon nobo di siudadanonan ku ta stima naturalesa. Kada aña, ta invitá dos junior ranger di 10 pa 13 aña di edat pa bini huntu i kompartí loke ku nan a siña tokante naturalesa riba e islanan akí.

Organisashonnan ku ta tuma parti na e evento e aña akí ta inkluí Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba, Stinapa Bonaire, Saba Conservation Foundation, Stenapa St. Eustatius, i Nature Foundation St. Maarten. Dor di kombiná komponentenan edukashonal i sientífiko den e evento di interkambio, ta empoderá e partisipantenan pa kompartí idea i mehorá e konekshon entre e organisashonnan di maneho di áreanan protehá ku e programanan edukashonal.


Konstruyendo Resiliensia

Tema di e evento di e aña akí ta Servisionan di Ekosistema i Kon Nan ta Sostené Nos Tur. Komo islanan chikitu e region di Karibe hulandes lo haña su mes obligá di enfrentá algun di impaktonan mas signifikante di kambio di klima. Dunando protekshon na i mehorando e servisionan lokal di ekosistema na kada isla lo yuda konstruí resiliensia i sigurá ku kada isla ta kapas di prosperá pa e siguiente generashon. Durante e evento akí e Junior Rangernan lo desaroyá konsiensia e flora i founa mas importante di kada isla, siña tokante e importansia di biodiversidat i su konservashon komo reakshon riba kambio di klima i eksplorá diferente lenk entre hende ku naturalesa.

E programa akí ta risibí fondo di Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds, World Wildlife Fund (WWF-NL). Aktividatnan di DCNA ta risibí fondo generoso di parti di Nationale Postcode Loterij, anto e sponsornan lokal ‘Azure Beach Hotel’ na St. Maarten, Winair, i Dominoes Pizza a kontribuí elegantemente ku e evento akí.


Pa por sigui e desaroyo, keda den kontakto ku e páginanan di medionan sosial di DCNA – Facebook (Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance), Instagram (dcnanature)! Pa entrevista, por fabor tuma kontakto ku Dahlia Hassell – Knijff, DCNA Agente di Proyekto na





Published in BioNews 56.

Data type
Education and outreach
Geographic location
Saba bank
St. Eustatius
St. Maarten