Protected areas

Research and Monitoring Guidelines for the Dutch Caribbean Protected Areas

Dutch Below 

The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) along with local nature management organizations across the six Dutch Caribbean islands have recently published “Guidelines for the Design and Conduct of Research and Monitoring Projects within the Dutch Caribbean Protected Areas.” These guidelines aim to encourage local capacity building, ethical practices, science communication and targeted research on the most pressing conservation issues for managing protected areas. This advice is given to support improved collaboration and communication between (visiting) researchers, students and the local nature (management) organizations in their common goal of safeguarding nature in the Dutch Caribbean.

Saba island. Photo credit: Kai Wulf

The Dutch Caribbean, a haven for diverse flora and fauna, faces challenges from local, regional, and global threats. Recognizing the importance of preserving these natural resources and the essential role of research and monitoring in this, the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) and its network partners Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba (FPNA),  STINAPA Bonaire, CARMABI Curaçao , Saba Conservation Foundation (SCF), Nature Foundation St. Maarten (NFSXM), St. Eustatius National Parks (STENAPA), developed guidelines for research and monitoring initiatives. These guidelines aim to bridge the gap between foreign research institutions, funders and local organizations, fostering effective conservation practices encouraging researchers to take the local context and needs into consideration.


The guidelines are like a roadmap for setting up and conducting research projects in the Dutch Caribbean. These guidelines have a few goals. First of all, to support research and monitoring in the region by creating a resource where all the recommendations and wishes of the nature conservation management organizations can be found. Second, to promote local capacity building such as training of local staff and build on social and technical infrastructures. Third, to encourage ethical practices while conducting research considering the local context. Lastly, to promote the sharing of research project information and results and to enhance science communication and outreach to a diverse group of stakeholders such as other members of the scientific community, local nature conservation organizations, policy makes and the inhabitants of the islands. This way, anyone interested can learn and use the valuable work being done to protect the unique plants and animals of the Dutch Caribbean.

Working together

Understanding the state of nature through research and monitoring is crucial for efficient and effective management and protection. Nature conservation (management) organizations’ staff (biologists and rangers) and (citizen) scientists from all over the world provide invaluable support by gathering knowledge about these complex and fragile ecosystems. Collaboration and communication between all involved stakeholders is of the utmost importance in the common goal to safeguard nature in the Dutch Caribbean for the wellbeing of future generations.

Read more: Find the complete Research and Monitoring Guidelines here.


The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) supports (science) communication and outreach in the Dutch Caribbean region by making nature related scientific information more widely available through amongst others the Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database, DCNA’s news platform BioNews and through the press. No rights can be derived from the content. DCNA is not liable for the content and the in(direct) impacts resulting from publishing this article.




De Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) heeft samen met lokale natuurbeheerorganisaties op de zes Nederlands-Caribische eilanden onlangs “Guidelines for the Design and Conduct of Research and Monitoring Projects within the Dutch Caribbean Protected Areas.” gepubliceerd. Deze richtlijnen zijn bedoeld om lokale capaciteitsopbouw, ethische praktijken, wetenschapscommunicatie en gericht onderzoek naar de meest urgente kwesties voor het beheer van beschermde gebieden aan te moedigen. Dit advies wordt gegeven ter ondersteuning van een betere samenwerking en communicatie tussen (bezoekende) onderzoekers, studenten en de lokale natuur (beheer)organisaties in hun gezamenlijke doel om de natuur in het Nederlands Caribisch gebied te beschermen.

Saba eiland. Foto: Kai Wulf

De Nederlandse Cariben, een toevluchtsoord voor diverse flora en fauna, wordt geconfronteerd met uitdagingen van lokale, regionale en mondiale bedreigingen. Het belang van het behoud van deze natuurlijke hulpbronnen en de essentiële rol van onderzoek en monitoring hierin wordt erkend, en daarom ontwikkelde de Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) en haar netwerkpartners: Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba (FPNA), STINAPA Bonaire, CARMABI Curaçao, Saba Conservation Foundation (SCF), Nature Foundation St. Maarten (NFSXM), St. Eustatius National Parks (STENAPA), richtlijnen voor onderzoeks- en monitoringsinitiatieven. Deze richtlijnen zijn bedoeld om de kloof tussen buitenlandse onderzoeksinstellingen, financiers en lokale organisaties te overbruggen en effectieve instandhoudingspraktijken te bevorderen en onderzoekers aan te moedigen rekening te houden met de lokale context en behoeften.


De richtlijnen zijn als een routekaart voor het opzetten en uitvoeren van onderzoeksprojecten in Caribisch Nederland. Deze richtlijnen hebben een paar doelen. Allereerst om onderzoek en monitoring in de regio te ondersteunen door een bron te creëren waar alle aanbevelingen en wensen van de natuurbeschermingsorganisaties te vinden zijn. Ten tweede, het bevorderen van lokale capaciteitsopbouw, zoals de opleiding van lokaal personeel, en het voortbouwen op sociale en technische infrastructuur. Ten derde, het aanmoedigen van ethische praktijken bij het uitvoeren van onderzoek rekening houdend met de lokale context. Ten slotte het bevorderen van het delen van informatie en resultaten van onderzoeksprojecten en het verbeteren van de wetenschapscommunicatie en het bereiken van een diverse groep belanghebbenden, zoals andere leden van de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap, lokale natuurbeschermingsorganisaties, beleidsmakers en de bewoners van de eilanden. Op deze manier kan iedereen die geïnteresseerd is leren en gebruik maken van het waardevolle werk dat wordt gedaan om de unieke planten en dieren van de Nederlandse Cariben te beschermen.


Inzicht in de toestand van de natuur door middel van onderzoek en monitoring is cruciaal voor efficiënt en effectief beheer en bescherming. Medewerkers van natuurbeschermingsorganisaties (biologen en rangers) en (burger)wetenschappers van over de hele wereld bieden een onschatbare ondersteuning bij het vergaren van kennis over deze complexe en kwetsbare ecosystemen. Samenwerking en communicatie tussen alle betrokken stakeholders is van het grootste belang in het gezamenlijke doel om de natuur in het Nederlands Caribisch gebied te beschermen voor het welzijn van toekomstige generaties.

Lees meer

Hier vindt u de volledige richtlijnen voor onderzoek en monitoring (link)


De Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA)ondersteunt (wetenschaps) communicatie en outreach in de Nederlandse Caribische regio door natuurgerelateerde wetenschappelijke informatie breder beschikbaar te maken via onder meer de Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database, DCNA’s nieuwsplatform BioNews en de pers. Dit artikel bevat de resultaten van verschillende (wetenschappelijke) projecten, maar de projecten zelf zijn geen DCNA-projecten. Aan de inhoud kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. DCNA is niet aansprakelijk voor de inhoud en de indirecte gevolgen die voortvloeien uit het publiceren van dit artikel.




Published in BioNews 70

Data type
Other resources
Geographic location
Saba bank
St. Eustatius
St. Maarten

Guidelines for the Design and Conduct of Research and Monitoring Projects within the Dutch Caribbean Protected Areas

The Dutch Caribbean is home to a wide variety of unique animal and plant species and tropical habitats like coral reefs, mangroves and elfin forest. Nature contributes to the wellbeing of the local people, providing areas used as to generate income, food, recreation and (coastal) protection. Unfortunately, the islands’ natural resources are under pressure, stemming from local, regional and global threats. This combination makes understanding the state of nature through research and monitoring projects crucial for efficient and effective management and protection.

Each island has its own nature conservation (management) organizations tasked with safeguarding these natural areas. Nature conservation (management) organizations’ staff (biologists, rangers) and (citizen) scientists from all over the world provide invaluable support by gathering knowledge about these complex and fragile ecosystems.

The funding for research and monitoring in the Dutch Caribbean comes largely from the European Netherlands but also from other foreign institutions. Some monitoring (and research) projects by the local nature conservation (management) organizations are funded by governments and through park visitors' incomes. Science and research agendas are determined, and essential fieldwork is often directed by large science institutes and universities such as Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Dutch Research Council (NWO), the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), Naturalis Biodiversity Center and the Smithsonian Institution. Although these institutions have sound scientific expertise and can meet the specific conditions required by international funders, they often lack local knowledge, capacity and infrastructure on the islands to carry out their work. Research topics are often based on knowledge gaps in science and international reporting obligations which do not always match the most pressing conservation issues for managing the protected areas (parks) in the Dutch Caribbean.

Local organizations can play an essential role in ensuring the local context is taken into consideration when doing research on the Dutch Caribbean islands. The (small) local non-governmental conservation organisations are often the only institutions with the capacity to support fieldwork of visiting scientists. They have the staff, local knowledge and necessary infrastructure and/or logistics (e.g. vehicles and laboratories), but their resources and capacity are often limited. One of the principles of 'sound nature management' is to have management choices guided by scientific research ('science-based management'). Unfortunately, this is often impossible on the islands due to a lack of financial resources and personnel, and conservation organizations are frequently forced to conduct annual monitoring with the limited available resources they have ("management-based science").

One of the key roles of the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) is to find ways to build local capacity, improve knowledge sharing and cooperation, and promote efficient networking between different stakeholders, including the nature conservation management organizations on the six Dutch Caribbean islands. To help guide (visiting) researchers, students and funders in their design and implementation of projects within the region, nature conservation management organizations created these Research and Monitoring Guidelines for the protected areas (parks) with the following objectives:

• Support research and monitoring: keep researchers, funders and students well informed about the nature conservation management organizations’ research recommendations and wishes by having this framework updated yearly and published in DCNA’s digital newsletter BioNews and the Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database.

• Support local capacity building: encourage (visiting) researchers, students and funders to include local capacity building in their activities to adopt a more sustainable and integrative approach by bridging the worlds of knowledge and action, by not only focusing regionally but emphasizing approaches which are local, place-based, and solution-oriented.

• Encourage ethical practices: provide guidance for conducting research which is carried out in consideration of the local context, practices and sensitivities.

• Make scientific information widely available: request researchers to submit data, reports and publications for upload to the Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database where it can be used, amongst others, to guide local policy and management.

• Support science communication and outreach: to promote the sharing of project information to enhance communication and outreach to a diverse group of stakeholders such as other members of the scientific community, local nature conservation organizations, policy makes and the inhabitants of the islands.



Data type
Other resources
Education and outreach
Research and monitoring
Geographic location
Saba bank
St. Eustatius
St. Maarten

Informational material on protected species (CITES) developed for the Caribbean Netherlands

Informational material for regulations outlined in the Convention of International Trade of Endangered Species of wild flora and fauna (also known as the CITES) has been developed for residents and tourists on Bonaire, Saba, and St. Eustatius. Posters, signs, and brochures have been made in four languages (Dutch, English, Papiamentu, and Spanish) by the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) by order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (ANFQ).

Image credit: © Deviate Design & Mercedes Madriz

In advance of the return of tourists, these materials will be placed at the airports and ports, and at the government and customs offices, nature park management organizations, diving schools, and hotels throughout the Caribbean Netherlands. In this way, DCNA and ANFQ will work to raise awareness about the protected status of flora and fauna in the Caribbean Netherlands, such as orchids and corals, and the rules concerning the removal of these species.

Conservation of biodiversity

The islands of the Caribbean Netherlands have a rich biodiversity. Many species are endemic to one (or more) of the islands, meaning they cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Almost 200 species living in the wild in the Caribbean Netherlands are protected by CITES. The list includes turtles, iguanas, orchids, cacti, whales, rays, and bird species. Furthermore, the corals these islands are known for, living or dead, are also protected under CITES and therefore cannot be removed. In addition to the CITES regulations, stricter local rules and measures may also apply.

What does this mean in practice?

Exporting living or dead species included on the CITES list to another country without a CITES permit – including between the Caribbean Netherlands to the Netherlands and vice versa – is prohibited. These regulations apply whether the species or objects are taken as a gift or for one’s own use, and include items such as orchids, cacti, corals, seahorses, turtles, sharks, iguanas, and birds. These regulations also apply to parts or products made of or from these species, such as food products, exotic leatherware, wooden sculptures, ornaments, musical instruments, or local medicines. In certain cases, exporting species or objects is prohibited altogether. Violation of these regulations can lead to penalties and/or legal action.

Check in advance: is it protected?

The mere fact that something is for sale or that you found it on the ground or in the sea, does not mean that you are allowed to take or travel with it. When in doubt as to whether you can take a species (or a part of a product made of or from this species), you can contact the local CITES authority with the National Office of the Caribbean Netherlands (Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland, RCN), the customs authorities, the public entity, or the local management organization of the protected nature area.

What is CITES?

CITES is the Convention of International Trade of Endangered Species of wild flora and fauna which regulates and, if necessary, prohibits the trade or removal of a species for the benefit of conserving it in the wild. More than 37,000 flora and fauna species are currently protected under the CITES convention. A CITES permit is required for the trade of these species. In some cases, the trade is prohibited altogether if the species is seriously threatened with extinction. These regulations do not only apply to the respective plants and animals but also to products made of or from these species.

# # #

Check the CITES information for the Caribbean Netherlands online:

For more information about CITES:


Article published in BioNews 41

Data type
Education and outreach
Research and monitoring
Geographic location
Saba bank
St. Eustatius

Southern Caribbean islands ecological corridor (Corredor Ecológico Islas del Caribe Sur)

The notion of an ecological corridor is to connect protected areas of high biodiversity to counteract the fragmentation of habitats, the loss of biodiversity and the negative impacts of human activities. It brings additional benefits such as strengthening ties between regions and creating a conservation area within a framework of ecological connectivity. The foundation CARIBESUR proposes the creation of a marine ecological corridor and Transboundary Marine Corridor "South Caribbean Islands" as well as the expansion of the National Parks "Paria Peninsula" and "Turuépano" and connecting them via a terrestrial ecological corridor.


Data type
Scientific article
Research and monitoring
Geographic location

Sustainable Funding for Nature Parks in the Netherlands Antilles. Feasibility Study of a Protected Areas Trust Fund

In 1998 the Dutch Parliament called for a feasibility study for a trust fund and the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations agreed, under certain conditions, to make a financial contribution to
such a fund. In 2003 the Antillean Environmental Department invited tenders for this study, which began in 2004 with funding from the Dutch Ministry of the Interior. Besides assessing the feasibility of a trust fund to cover the operational costs of one terrestrial and one marine park per island, the study also included a broader analysis of how park funding can be made more sustainable. The consultants also advised on the technical and organisational aspects of the management and administration of a trust fund and presented a fundraising and communication strategy to support the process.

Summary of the findings
Sustainable funding: feasibility and constraints

  1. The non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that manage the nature parks on the Netherlands Antilles need at least €2.25 million each year to cover the costs of adequately managing at least one terrestrial park and one marine park per island. 
  2. External funding sources are therefore necessary to achieve a sustainable financial situation. 
  3. Certain developments in 2004 and early 2005 have considerably increased the chances of creating a sustainable funding strategy involving these four tracks:
  4. In future years the National Postcode Lottery (NPL) will play a key role in providing longer-term funding to cover the running costs of the parks (track 1). 
  5. An essential element in the strategy for achieving sustainable funding for conservation management is the establishment of a Trust Fund (track 2).
  6. The Antillean governments should take their own share of the responsibility by ensuring the required legislative framework is in place and making a long-term financial commitment. 
  7. The main capital donors to the most successful trust funds elsewhere in the world are bilateral and multilateral agencies (such as GEF and the World Bank) as well as international nature conservation organisations such as WWF and Conservation International. It is therefore highly important to obtain contributions from one or more of these parties in addition to the anticipated contribution from the National Postcode Lottery.
  8. The private sector (business community, individuals and investment funds) is a potentially good source of funds in various tracks, particularly in the form of earmarked or non-earmarked donations, sponsorships and contributions to a Trust Fund (tracks 2 and 3).
  9. Assuming a combined income of €1.17 million, an annual grant from NPL of €0.45 million and a return on investment of 6%, the Trust Fund would require a capital of €18.9 million to guarantee basic levels of park management on the islands.
  10. The study provides a detailed design of the institutional set-up and a legal and financial framework for the Trust Fund. Instead of being a separate legal entity, the proposed Trust Fund will be established within the structure of the DCNA, since the advantages of this option outweigh the disadvantages.
Data type
Research report
Geographic location
Saba bank
St. Eustatius
St. Maarten

Funding Protected Areas in the Wider Caribbean. A Guide for Managers and Conservation Organizations


This document is an orientation to sources of funding for protected areas and biodiversity conservation. It is designed to serve as a primer for protected area agencies and managers as well as non- governmental organizations carrying out programs of conservation, education, and sustainable uses of biodiversity resources in and around protected areas. The editors intend to provide the reader with a basic understanding of the mechanisms that can be used to raise funds and generate revenues, as well as the sources of financial and technical support generally available for protected areas and biodiversity conservation in the Wider Caribbean. All of the mechanisms, and many of the sources, will also have applications outside the Wider Caribbean region.

This document is also intended to assist governments of the region in meeting their obligations acquired under biodiversity-related agreements, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and in particular the 1990 Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) and the Convention on the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean (Cartagena 1983). Therefore, the report responds to requests made by the governments of the region, members of the Caribbean Environment Programme of UNEP, and Parties to the Cartagena Convention and SPAW Protocol. In this context, it is expected that this document will contribute to regional and national efforts in strengthening protected areas and also the work of the regional network on Marine Protected Areas (CaMPAM) of the Caribbean Environment Programme. It is a joint effort of UNEP’s Regional Coordinating Unit for the CEP and The Nature Conservancy.

During the 1990s, it became increasingly clear that protected areas and conservation are not a sector unto themselves, but rather, a fundamental element of any country’s overall planning for development and sustainability of the resources fundamental to development —watersheds, forests, fisheries, recreational sites, and more. So, this guide will take a somewhat broader view of funding and revenue generating options than previous overviews of resources available strictly for conservation. We will also take a fairly broad view of the social goods and services provided by, and demanded from, protected areas, bearing in mind that conservation is the fundamental, core purpose. The challenge for managers of achieving participatory management while assuring that community needs and aspirations do not overrun the fundamental purpose of the protected area is, itself, a contributing factor to the need for more resources and more depth of skilled management at many protected areas.

Through the 1970s and 80s and into the 1990s, many protected areas in the Wider Caribbean relied heavily on financing from external donors —bilateral and multilateral assistance, international NGOs, and philanthropic institutions. Today, the resources available from these sources are stretched ever thinner. In many cases, the resources were available primarily for start-up and infrastructure costs, with the expectation that protected area systems would develop on-site or in-country sources for recurrent costs. Protected areas are also turning to permanent income- generating mechanisms to diversify their revenue sources. As protected area systems rely increasingly on revenues from services ranging from tourism and recreation to watershed protection, the very nature of protected area management has undergone subtle and not-so-subtle changes of emphasis, including meeting increased demands for visitor services. Financial planning for protected areas now focuses on both short and long-term prospects, and the potential for generating recurrent resources often influence decisions about whether to establish new areas and how to manage areas that are established.

This guide will attempt to show through examples and case studies how managers of protected area systems have incorporated different funding sources for the distinct phases of establishment and management. We will discuss "making the case" for the tangible and intangible benefits protected areas provide, as a means for building support for both national appropriations and external support. The examples and case studies will also show how protected areas that provide tangible benefits such as education, recreation, and tourism can recover costs and generate income from those activities. It is important to note in this regard, however, that not every protected area can or should become financially self-sustaining through fees and revenues. Often the issue of where costs can be recovered, where profits may be realized, and where subsidies will be needed on a recurring basis is best addressed at the level of the national system. This may mean adding areas specifically for their revenue generating potential as a means of assuring the sustainability of the entire system.

Surveys of the current financial situation of protected areas in the Wider Caribbean show great differences among countries in the percentage of costs covered by national budgets, the level of reliance on volunteer services, and the severity of crises resulting from financial shortfalls. In the early 1990s, many countries established park trust funds or directed debt swap proceeds toward protected area management. However, user fees, voluntary donations, and revenues from sales and concessions are still the exception rather than the rule. In most areas, there are many opportunities to improve revenues for protected areas, as well as opportunities to improve coordination among donors and revenue-generating sectors.

To address these challenges and take advantage of these opportunities, protected area systems need to build capacity in a variety of ways. Factors crucial to building a financially sustainable system include skilled personnel who can analyze financial needs and opportunities, and select approaches appropriate to each area; infrastructure sufficient to the needed management and visitor services, including accommodations, communications, and transportation; a policy environment in which necessary actions (such as dedicating revenues to the system) can be accomplished; and developing systems for community participation. This guide attempts to identify sources of capacity-building assistance that can help protected area managers meet these challenges. 

Data type
Research report
Education and outreach

Protected Areas Management in the Caribbean: Core Themes for Education, Awareness, and Communication Programmes

Data type
Research report
Education and outreach
Geographic location
St. Eustatius
St. Maarten