
Shaping Tomorrow’s Shores: The Future of Coastal Habitat Restoration

Dutch, Papiamento, and Papiamentu below

A new partnership between World Wide Fund for Nature – Netherlands (WWF-NL) the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) and Coastal Dynamics will spearhead an initiative to define future conservation and restoration projects within Dutch Caribbean coastal habitats. Centered around mangroves and seagrass beds, this ambitious feasibility study aims to craft a portfolio of forward-looking projects. The objective is to fortify these areas against escalating threats like climate change, pollution, and unsustainable coastal development, ensuring their sustained health and resilience. 

The Dutch Caribbean is home to unique island ecosystems facing challenges from overdevelopment, climate change, and other environmental pressures. Coastal ecosystems represent critically important areas, particularly in regards to their biodiversity, climate resilience, and cultural heritage. The proposed feasibility study seeks to bridge gaps in expertise, resources, and collaboration across all six of the Dutch Caribbean islands (Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire, Saba, St. Maarten and St. Eustatius). 


(Black Mangrove roots- Photo credit-Henkjan Kievit (SHAPE-DCNA)-all rights reserved.)

The primary goal of the project is to conduct an in-depth feasibility study under the DCNA’s Conservation and Restoration of Key Habitats Program. Key components of the study include assessing the current status of mangroves and seagrass beds, stakeholder engagement, and conducting an overall resource assessment. 



The study will focus on coastal area restoration, specifically targeting mangroves and seagrass beds in collaboration with Dutch Caribbean Park Organizations. The aim is to develop a nature-inclusive approach with nature-based solutions to enhance resilience and sustainability.  Overall, this project has two main objectives: 

  • Feasibility Study: Assess the viability of conservation efforts, including technical, financial, and human resource requirements. 
  • Knowledge Sharing & Capacity Building: Present findings, address knowledge gaps, and build capacity among Park Organizations for effective restoration initiatives. 



(Red mangroves and seagrass beds-Photo credit-Christian König (SHAPE-DCNA)- all rights reserved.)

The feasibility study’s success is crucial for creating a comprehensive understanding of coastal habitat conditions, fostering collaboration, and laying the groundwork for future restoration programs. By unifying efforts, the study aims to enhance communication, knowledge sharing, and resource utilization across all six islands.

(Green turtle feeding on sea grass. Photo credit- Kai Wulf- all rights reserved.)


The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) supports (science) communication and outreach in the Dutch Caribbean region by making nature-related scientific information more widely available through amongst others the Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database, DCNA’s news platform BioNews and the press. No rights can be derived from the content. DCNA is not liable for the content and the in(direct) impacts resulting from publishing this article.  




Een nieuw samenwerkingsverband tussen het Wereld Natuur Fonds-Nederland (WWF-NL), de Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) en Coastal Dynamics zal het voortouw nemen bij een initiatief om toekomstige instandhoudings- en herstelprojecten binnen de Nederlandse Caribische kustecosystemen te definiëren. Deze ambitieuze haalbaarheidsstudie, gecentreerd rond mangroven en zeegrasvelden, heeft tot doel een portfolio van toekomstgerichte projecten samen te stellen. Het doel is om deze gebieden te versterken tegen bedreigingen zoals klimaatverandering, vervuiling en niet-duurzame kustontwikkeling om zo hun gezondheid en veerkracht te waarborgen. 

De Nederlandse Cariben is de thuisbasis van unieke eilandecosystemen die worden geconfronteerd met uitdagingen door overontwikkeling, klimaatverandering en andere milieudrukken. Kustecosystemen vertegenwoordigen gebieden van cruciaal belang, met name met betrekking tot hun biodiversiteit, klimaatbestendigheid en cultureel erfgoed. De voorgestelde haalbaarheidsstudie is bedoeld om tekortkomingen in expertise, middelen en samenwerking op alle zes de Nederlands-Caribische eilanden (Aruba, Curaçao, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Maarten en Sint Eustatius) te overbruggen. 


(Black Mangrove roots- Photo credit-Henkjan Kievit (SHAPE-DCNA)-all rights reserved.)

Het primaire doel van het project is het uitvoeren van een haalbaarheidsstudie in het kader van het “Conservation and Restoration of Key Habitats” programma van DCNA. Belangrijke onderdelen van de studie zijn onder meer het beoordelen van de huidige status van mangroven en zeegrasvelden, het betrekken van belanghebbenden en het uitvoeren van een algemene beoordeling van de hulpbronnen. 



Het onderzoek zal zich richten op het herstel van kustgebieden, specifiek gericht op mangroven en zeegrasvelden in samenwerking met Nederlands Caribische park organisaties. Het doel is om een natuur inclusieve aanpak te ontwikkelen met op de natuur gebaseerde oplossingen om de veerkracht en duurzaamheid te vergroten.  Dit project twee hoofddoelstellingen: 

  • Haalbaarheidsstudie: Beoordeling van de haalbaarheid van instandhoudingsinspanningen, inclusief technische, financiële en personele benodigdheden. 
  • Kennisdeling en capaciteitsopbouw: Het in kaart brengen van bevindingen, tekortkomingen in kennis en capaciteitsopbouw bij parkorganisaties voor effectieve herstelinitiatieven. 



(Red mangroves and seagrass beds-Photo credit-Christian König (SHAPE-DCNA)- all rights reserved.)

Het succes van de haalbaarheidsstudie is cruciaal voor het creëren van een alomvattend begrip van de omstandigheden van kustecosystemen, het bevorderen van samenwerking en het leggen van de basis voor toekomstige herstelprogramma’s. Door de inspanningen te bundelen, heeft de studie tot doel de communicatie, het delen van kennis en het gebruik van hulpbronnen op alle zes de Nederlands Caribische eilanden te verbeteren. 

(Green turtle feeding on sea grass. Photo credit- Kai Wulf- all rights reserved.)



De Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA)ondersteunt (wetenschaps) communicatie en outreach in de Nederlandse Caribische regio door natuurgerelateerde wetenschappelijke informatie breder beschikbaar te maken via onder meer de Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database, DCNA’s nieuwsplatform BioNews en de pers. Aan de inhoud kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. DCNA is niet aansprakelijk voor de inhoud en de indirecte gevolgen die voortvloeien uit het publiceren van dit artikel.  




Un  partnership nobo entre Wereld Natuur Fonds-Nederland (WWF-NL)Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) y Coastal Dynamics lo lidera un iniciativa pa defini futuro proyectonan di conservacion y restauracion den e habitatnan costero di Caribe Hulandes. E estudio ambicioso di viabilidad aki, cu ta concentra riba mata di mangel y cama di yerba di lama, tin como meta pa crea un portfolio di proyecto dirigi riba futuro. den e habitatnan costero di Caribe Hulandes. Centrado den mata di mangel y raderas marino, e ambicioso estudio di viabilidad aki tin como meta elabora una cartera di proyecto cu vision di futuro. E meta ta pa fortifica e areanan aki contra menasanan creciente manera cambio di clima, contaminacion y desaroyo di costa no sostenibel, sigurando nan salud duradero y nan resiliencia. 

Caribe Hulandes ta aloha ecosistemanan insular unico cu ta enfrenta retonan debi na desaroyo excesivo, cambio di clima y otro presion ambiental. E ecosistemanan di costa ta representa areanan di importancia critico, particularmente pa loke ta trata nan biodiversidad, resiliencia climatico y patrimonio cultural. E estudio di factibilidad proponi tin como meta  vence e brechanan den experiencia, recurso y colaboracion na e seis islanan Caribe Hulandes (Aruba, Corsou, Boneiro, Saba, St. Maarten y St. Eustatius). 


(Black Mangrove roots- credito di e potret: Henkjan Kievit (SHAPE-DCNA)-all rights reserved)

E meta principal di e proyecto ta pa ehecuta un estudio di factibilidad profundo den cuadro di e Programa di Conservacion y Restauracion di Habitadnan principal di DCNA. E componentenan principal di e estudio ta inclui evaluacion di e estado actual di e mata di mangelnan y e camponan di yerba di lama, participacion di e partinan interesa y realisacion di un evaluacion general di e recursonan. 



E estudio lo enfoca riba restauracion di area di costa, specificamente dirigi riba e camponan di yerba di lama den colaboracion cu e organisacionnan di parke di Dutch Caribbean. E meta ta pa desaroya un enfoke cu ta inclui naturalesa cu solucionnan basa riba naturalesa pa mehora resiliencia y sostenibilidad. En general, e proyecto aki tin dos meta principal:  

Estudio di factibilidad: Evalua e factibilidad di e esfuersonan di conservacion, incluyendo e rekisitonan tecnico, financiero y di recursonan humano. 

Intercambio di conocemento y desaroyo di capacidad: presenta experiencianan, aborda brechanan di conocemento y desaroya capacidad entre e organisacionnan di parke pa iniciativo di restauracion efectivo. 



(Red mangroves and seagrass beds. Credito di e potret:Christian König (SHAPE-DCNA)- all rights reserved. )

E exito di e estudio di factibilidad ta crucial pa crea un comprension integral di e condicionnan di e habitad di cota, fomenta colaboracion y pone e basenan pa futuro programa di restauracion. Door di uni esfuerso, e estudio tin como meta mehora comunicacion, intercambio di conocemento y uzo di recurso na e seis islanan. 



(Tortuga blanku. Credito di e potret: Kai Wulf- all rights reserved.)

Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA)ta sostene comunicacion (cientifico) y  divulgacion den region di Caribe Hulandes door di percura cu e informacion cientifico relaciona cu naturalesa ta ampliamente disponibel a traves di entre otro, Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database, e plataforma di noticia BioNews di DCNA y prensa. DCNA no ta responsabel pa e contenido y e impactonan indirecto cu resulta di e publicacion di e articulo aki.  



Un laso di kolaborashon nobo entre Wereld Natuur Fonds – Hulanda (WWF-NL)Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) i Coastal Dynamicslo kana dilanti den un inisiativa pa definí futuro proyektonan di konservashon i restorashon dentro di e habitatnan na kosta di e área hulandes karibense. E estudio di faktibilidat ambisioso akí, ku ta konsentrá rònt di palu di mangel i kama di yerba di laman, tin komo meta pa kompilá un portofolio di proyekto ku enfoke riba futuro. E meta ta pa fortifiká e áreanan akí kontra menasanan ku ta eskalando, manera kambio di klima, kontaminashon i desaroyo no-sostenibel di kosta, di manera ku den un forma duradero nan ta keda salú i resiliente. 

Àrea karibense ta hospedá ekosistemanan úniko ku ta enfrentá desafionan manera konsekuensia di sobredesaroyo, kambio di klima i otro formanan di preshon riba medio ambiente. Ekosistemanan na kosta ta representá áreanan di importansia krusial, prinsipalmente ora ta trata di nan biodiversidat, resiliensia klimátiko i patrimonio kultural. E estudio di faktibilidat proponé tin komo meta pa yena e burakunan ku tin riba tereno di ekspertisio, rekurso i kolaborashon na tur e seis islanan di Karibe Hulandes (Aruba, Kòrsou, Boneiru, Saba, Sint Maarten i Sint Eustatius). 


(Black Mangrove roots- Fuente di foto -Henkjan Kievit (SHAPE-DCNA)-all rights reserved.)

E meta prinsipal di e proyekto ta ehekushon di un estudio di faktibilidat profundo den kuadro di DCNA su Programa di Konservashon i Restorashon di Habitatnan Mas Importante. E partinan mas importante di e investigashon ta entre otro evaluashon di e estado aktual di palu di mangel i kama di yerba di laman, enbolbimentu di stakeholdernan i realisashon di un evaluashon general di e rekursonan. 



E investigashon ta bai dirigí su mes riba restorashon di áreanan di kosta, ku un enfoke spesífiko riba palu di mangel i kama di yerba di laman, den kolaborashon ku organisashonnan di parke di Karibe Hulandes. E meta ta pa desaroyá un aserkamentu naturalesa-inklusivo ku solushonnan basá riba naturalesa pa oumentá resiliensia i sostenibilidat. En general e proyekto akí tin dos ophetivo prinsipal: 

  • Estudio di faktibilidat: Evaluá viabilidat di esfuersonan di konservashon di naturalesa, inkluso eksigensianan tékniko, finansiero i di rekurso humano. 
  • Kompartí konosementu i desaroyá kapasidat: Presentá konklushonnan, atendé ku falta di konosementu i desaroyá kapasidat serka organisashonnan di parke pa inisiativanan efektivo di restorashon. 



(Red mangroves and seagrass beds. Fuente di foto -Christian König (SHAPE-DCNA)- all rights reserved.)

Éksito di e estudio di faktibilidat ta krusial pa krea un komprendementu integral di kondishon di e habitatnan na kosta, pa promové kolaborashon i  pa pone un base pa futuro programanan di restorashon. Pa medio di uni esfuerso, e investigashon ke mehorá komunikashon, interkambio di konosementu i uso di rekurso na tur e seis islanan. 

(Tortuga blanku. Fuente di foto: Kai Wulf- all rights reserved.)



Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA)ta sostené komunikashon (sientífiko) i ‘outreach’ den region hulandes karibense pa medio di hasi informashon sientífiko relashoná ku naturalesa mas ampliamente disponibel via entre otro Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database, DCNA su plataforma di notisia BioNews  i via prensa. No por derivá ningun derecho for di e kontenido. DCNA no ta responsabel pa e kontenido i e konsekuensianan (in)direkto ku ta surgi for di publikashon di e artíkulo akí.    




Published in BioNews 70


Data type
Other resources
Research and monitoring
Geographic location
Saba bank
St. Eustatius
St. Maarten

Sustainable Funding for Nature Parks in the Netherlands Antilles. Feasibility Study of a Protected Areas Trust Fund

In 1998 the Dutch Parliament called for a feasibility study for a trust fund and the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations agreed, under certain conditions, to make a financial contribution to
such a fund. In 2003 the Antillean Environmental Department invited tenders for this study, which began in 2004 with funding from the Dutch Ministry of the Interior. Besides assessing the feasibility of a trust fund to cover the operational costs of one terrestrial and one marine park per island, the study also included a broader analysis of how park funding can be made more sustainable. The consultants also advised on the technical and organisational aspects of the management and administration of a trust fund and presented a fundraising and communication strategy to support the process.

Summary of the findings
Sustainable funding: feasibility and constraints

  1. The non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that manage the nature parks on the Netherlands Antilles need at least €2.25 million each year to cover the costs of adequately managing at least one terrestrial park and one marine park per island. 
  2. External funding sources are therefore necessary to achieve a sustainable financial situation. 
  3. Certain developments in 2004 and early 2005 have considerably increased the chances of creating a sustainable funding strategy involving these four tracks:
  4. In future years the National Postcode Lottery (NPL) will play a key role in providing longer-term funding to cover the running costs of the parks (track 1). 
  5. An essential element in the strategy for achieving sustainable funding for conservation management is the establishment of a Trust Fund (track 2).
  6. The Antillean governments should take their own share of the responsibility by ensuring the required legislative framework is in place and making a long-term financial commitment. 
  7. The main capital donors to the most successful trust funds elsewhere in the world are bilateral and multilateral agencies (such as GEF and the World Bank) as well as international nature conservation organisations such as WWF and Conservation International. It is therefore highly important to obtain contributions from one or more of these parties in addition to the anticipated contribution from the National Postcode Lottery.
  8. The private sector (business community, individuals and investment funds) is a potentially good source of funds in various tracks, particularly in the form of earmarked or non-earmarked donations, sponsorships and contributions to a Trust Fund (tracks 2 and 3).
  9. Assuming a combined income of €1.17 million, an annual grant from NPL of €0.45 million and a return on investment of 6%, the Trust Fund would require a capital of €18.9 million to guarantee basic levels of park management on the islands.
  10. The study provides a detailed design of the institutional set-up and a legal and financial framework for the Trust Fund. Instead of being a separate legal entity, the proposed Trust Fund will be established within the structure of the DCNA, since the advantages of this option outweigh the disadvantages.
Data type
Research report
Geographic location
Saba bank
St. Eustatius
St. Maarten