caribbean shark coalition

Successful first in-person summit for the Caribbean Shark Coalition

Nederlands, Papiamento and Papiamentu below.


The Caribbean Shark Coalition (CSC) met for their first in-person summit in St. Maarten from September 12-16, 2022. The workshop brought together stakeholders from 14 different countries to provide in-field training and support towards the long-term goals of building capacity for shark and ray science and conservation in the Greater Caribbean region. 

Within the Caribbean, protection for sharks and ray varies from island to island. Even on islands that have established shark sanctuaries or shark protection measures, there are still significant gaps in education, outreach and enforcement.  In an effort to build a more unified network for shark and ray conservation, the CSC brought together individuals from 14 different countries across the Greater Caribbean region to share details of their particular challenges and successes, and to provide training on how to properly plan and execute shark conservation projects in their home countries in the future. The CSC was co-founded by the  Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) and Beneath the Waves (BTW)  in 2020 in response to international calls for enhanced, collaborative conservation efforts for sharks and rays in the Greater Caribbean region. 

In-Field Training 

Working together with the Nature Foundation St. Maarten, SXM Divers and Aquamania, participants spent two days learning how to deploy Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) stations for non-invasive habitat and species monitoring. Participants learned how to deploy and retrieve BRUVs, uniform data collection and recording techniques, and discussed methods and implementation for the devices in future projects. 

Participants also received hands on training for properly tagging and handling three species of sharks, including tiger sharks, Caribbean reef sharks and blacknose sharks. These skills include how to set a drum line, how to safely secure and release a shark, standard methods for measurements, application of visual and passive integrated transponder tags and how to take biological samples, just to name a few.

Copyright Drew McDougall, Beneath the Waves



In conjunction with the in-field portion, participants also attended a full-day workshop to review the methodology used in the field and, more importantly, learned how to put this data into action. Dr. Oliver Shipley, Senior Research Scientist at BTW, provided key insight for proper data analysis and visualizations, important for connecting science, policy, and the general public. Tadzio Bervoets, former Director of DCNA, led a roundtable discussion on the number of challenges facing sharks (and marine conservation in general) throughout the wider Caribbean, and invited each participant to provide personal insights into how their individual organizations combat these challenges. 

Future Conservation 

Building collaboration throughout the Caribbean region works to improve interisland communication and build local capacity while also providing a deeper understanding for marine conservation and protection as a whole.  Moving forward, connections made throughout this workshop will help influence and shape shark and ray projects in the future.

The workshop is coordinated by the DCNA and BTW and is made possible thanks to funding from Blue Marine Foundation, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-NL) and operational support from GoPro for a Cause. 

Copyright Drew McDougall, Beneath the Waves




Eerste succesvolle in levende lijve bijeenkomst voor de Caribbean Shark Coalition

De Caribbean Shark Coalition (CSC) ontmoette elkaar voor hun eerste keer in levende lijve in St. Maarten van 12-16 september 2022. De workshop bracht belanghebbenden uit 14 verschillende landen samen voor in-field training en om de lange termijn doelen voor capaciteitsopbouw voor de wetenschap en bescherming van haaien en roggen in het Caribische gebied te ondersteunen.

Binnen het Caribisch gebied varieert de bescherming van haaien en roggen drastisch van eiland tot eiland. Zelfs op eilanden die haaienreservaten hebben opgericht, zijn er nog steeds aanzienlijke tekortkomingen in onderwijs, outreach en handhaving. In een poging om een ​​meer verenigd netwerk voor het behoud van haaien en roggen op te bouwen, bracht de CSC individuen uit 14 verschillende landen in het Caribisch gebied samen om meer informatie over hun specifieke uitdagingen en successen te delen en training te geven om haaienbeschermingsprojecten in de toekomst goed te plannen en uit te voeren. De CSC werd in 2020 opgericht door de Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) en Beneath the Waves (BTW) als reactie op internationale oproepen om de gezamenlijke inspanningen voor het behoud van haaien en roggen in het Caribisch gebied te verbeteren.

In-Field Training

In samenwerking met Nature Foundation St. Maarten, SXM Divers en Aqua Mania heeft het CSC twee dagen in het water doorgebracht om te leren hoe de zogenaamde Baited Remote Underwater Videos (BRUVs)  kunnen worden ingezet voor het monitoren van niet-invasieve habitats en soorten. Deelnemers leerden hoe ze BRUV’s konden inzetten en ophalen, uniforme gegevensverzameling en -registratie, en bespraken methoden en implementatie voor de apparaten in toekomstige projecten.

Deelnemers kregen ook praktische training voor het correct merken van drie soorten haaien, waaronder tijgerhaaien, Caribische rifhaaien en zwartsnuithaaien. Deze vaardigheden omvatten onder andere het opzetten van een drumlijn, het veilig vasthouden en loslaten van een haai, standaardmethoden voor metingen, het aanbrengen van Floy-tags en passieve geïntegreerde transpondertags en het nemen van biologische monsters.

Foto credit: Drew McDougall, Beneath the Waves- alle rechten voorbehouden


Naast het veldgedeelte, namen de deelnemers ook deel aan een workshop om de in het veld gebruikte methodologie te herzien en, belangrijker nog, te leren hoe deze gegevens in actie konden worden gebracht. Dr. Oliver Shipley, Senior Research Scientist bij BTW, gaf belangrijke inzichten voor goede data-analyse en visualisaties, belangrijk voor het verbinden van wetenschap en het grote publiek. Tadzio Bervoets, voormalig directeur van DCNA, leidde een rondetafelgesprek over een aantal uitdagingen waarmee haaien en het behoud van de zee in het algemeen in het Caribisch gebied worden geconfronteerd en nodigde elke deelnemer uit om persoonlijk inzicht te geven in hoe hun individuele organisaties deze uitdagingen aanpakken.

Toekomstig behoud

Het opbouwen van samenwerkingsverbanden in het hele Caribische gebied werkt om de communicatie tussen de eilanden te verbeteren en lokale capaciteit op te bouwen, terwijl het ook een dieper inzicht geeft in het behoud en de bescherming van de zee als geheel. In de toekomst zullen de verbindingen die tijdens deze workshop werden gelegd, helpen bij het beïnvloeden en vormgeven van toekomstige haaien- en roggenprojecten.

De workshop werd gecoördineerd door het DCNA en BTW en werd mogelijk gemaakt dankzij financiering van Blue Marine FoundationWorld Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-NL)  en operationele steun van GoPro for a Cause.

Foto credit: Drew McDougall, Beneath the Waves- alle rechten voorbehouden





Exitoso prome cumbre presencial pa Caribbean Shark Coalition

Caribbean Shark Coalition (CSC) a reuni pa su prome cumbre presencial na St. Maarten di dia 12 pa dia 16 di september di aña 2022. E tayer a reuni stakeholder di 14 diferente pais pa brinda capacitacion den veld y duna apoyo na meta riba termino largo di creacion di capacidad pa ciencia y conservacion di tiburon y manta den region di Gran Caribe. 

Dentro di Caribe proteccion di tiburon y manta ta varia di un isla pa otro. Hasts na e islanan cu a establece santuario di tiburon of medida di proteccion di tiburon, te ainda tin gap significativo den educacion, divulgacion y cumplimento. Den un intento pa construi un red mas uni pa conservacion di tiburon y manta, CSC a reuni persona di 14 diferente pais di region di Gran Caribe pa comparti detaye di nan desafionan y exitonan particular, y pa brinda capacitacion tocante con pa planea y ehecuta adecuadamente proyecto di conservacion di tiburon na nan pais di origen den futuro. CSC a wordo cofundado door di Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) y Beneath the Waves (BTW) na aña 2020 como reaccion na e yamadanan internacional pa mehora e esfuersonan colaborativo di conservacion di tiburon y manta den region di Gran Caribe. 

Capacitacion den veld 

Den cooperacion cu Nature Foundation St. Maarten, SXM Divers y Aquamania, e participantenan a  pasa dos dia siñando con pa implementa stacion di Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) pa monitoreo no invasivo di habitat y especie. E participantenan a siña con pa implementa y busca BRUV, tecnica uniforme di recoleccion y registro di dato, y nan a discuti metodo y implementacion di e aparatonan den futuro proyecto. 

E participantenan tambe a ricibi capacitacion practico pa etiketa y manipula corectamente tres sorto di tiburon, incluyendo tiburon tiger, tiburon di rif di Caribe y tiburon nanishi preto. E habilidadnan aki a inclui con pa configura un drum line, con pa proteha y libra un tiburon na un manera sigur, metodo standard pa midimento, aplicacion di etiketa di transport integra y visual y pasivo y con pa tuma muestra biologico, djis pa menciona algun. 

Fuente di foto: Drew Mc Dougall, Beneath the Wavess


Den combinacion cu e parte di campo, e participantenan tambe a asisti na un tayer di un dia completo pa revisa e metodologia utilisa den e campo y, loke ta mas importante, nan a siña con pa pone e datonan aki den accion. Dr. Oliver Shipley, cientifico investigado senior di BTW, a brinda informacion clave pa analisis y  visualizacion di dato adecuado, importante pa conecta ciencia, maneho y publico en general. Tadzio Bervoets, exdirector di DCNA, a dirigi un combersacion di mesa redonda tocante e cantidad di desafio cu e tiburonnan (y conservacion marino en general) ta confronta den henter Gran Caribe, y a invita cada participante pa brinda informacion personal tocante con su organisacion individual ta combati e desafionan aki. 

Futuro Conservacion  

Creacion di colaboracion den henter e region di Caribe ta funciona pa mehora comunicacion entre e islanan y desaroya capacidad local, mientras cu tambe e ta duna un comprension mas profundo di conservacion y proteccion marino den su totalidad. E conexion realisa durante e tayer aki lo yuda influi y duna forma na proyecto di tiburon y manta den futuro. 

E tayer a wordo coordina pa DCNA y BTW y por a keda realisa danki na financiacion di Blue Marine Foundation, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-NL) y apoyo operativo di GoPro for a Cause. 

Fuente di foto: Drew Mc Dougall, Beneath the Waves





Promé kumbre en persona eksitoso di Caribbean Shark Coalition

Caribbean Shark Coalition / Koalishon di Tribon Karibense (CSC) a reuní pa di promé biaha den un kumbre en persona di 12 pa 16 di sèptèmber 2022 na Sint Maarten. E tayer a trese stakeholdernan for di 14 diferente pais huntu pa haña treinen den práktika i sosten pa metanan pa término largu pa krea kapasidat di konosementu i konservashon di tribon i chuchu den e region di Karibe Amplio 

Denter di e área di Karibe, e protekshon di tribon i chuchu ta varia di isla pa isla. Hasta riba e islanan kaminda nan a introdusí santuario òf medidanan di protekshon di tribon, tin te ainda hiato signifikante den enseñansa, embolbimentu di komunidat i implementashon. Den un intento pa krea un ret di kontakto mas uní pa konservashon di tribon i chuchu, CSC a trese huntu personanan for di 14 diferente pais di e Region di Karibe Amplio, pa kompartí detayenan tokante nan retonan spesífiko i nan éksitonan, i pa duna entrenamentu tokante kon pa planifiká i implementá korektamente proyektonan di konservashon di tribon na nan pais di orígen den futuro. CSC ta fundá na 2020 konhuntamente pa Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) i “Beneath the Waves (BTW) komo reakshon riba yamadanan internashonal pa mas esfuerso di kolaborashon intensifiká pa konservashon di tribon i chuchu den e Region di Karibe Amplio. 

Training den práktika 

Den kolaborashon ku Nature Foundation St. Maarten, SXM DIVERS i Aquamania, e partisipantenan durante dos dia largu a siña kon nan por instalá e asina yamá Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) / stashon di bou di awa ekipá ku as i ku aparato di graba video pa por monitoriá habitat i espesie ku no ta invasivo. Partisipantenan a siña, kon por instalá i rekohé e stashonnan “BRUV”, uso di téknikanan uniforme pa kolekshon di dato, téknika di graba, i a diskutí tokante método i implementashon di e aparatonan den futuro proyektonan. 

E partisipantenan a risibí tambe training práktiko pa por pone marka i atendé korektamente ku  tres tipo di tribon, inkluso tribon tintorero, tribon di ref Karibense i tribon “blacknose shark”. E abilidatnan aki ta enserá kon ta instalá un stashon “drumline”, kon ta atendé safe ku maramentu i ponementu den libertat di tribon, métodonan standarisá pa midimentu, instalá marka visual i marka ku ta manda señal i tambe kon ta tuma muestranan biológiko, pa por menshoná algun aktividat. 

Fuente di foto: Drew Mc Dougall, Beneath the Waves


Den kombinashon ku e parti di riba vèlt, e partisipantenan a tuma parti tambe na un tayer di un dia kompletu pa por evaluá e metodologia ku tabata usa riba tereno i, mas importante ainda, siña kon ta pone e datonan den akshon. Dr. Oliver Shipley, Séniòr Investigadó Sientífiko di BTW, a duna un splikashon importante kon pa yega na análisis korekto di dato i visualisá dato, loke ta importante pa por konektá ku siensia, ku trahamentu di maneho i públiko en general. Tadzo Bervoets, Direktor anterior di DCNA, a dirigí un seshon di diskushon na mesa rondó tokante e kantidat di retonan tokante tribon (i konservashon marino en general) den e área di Karibe Amplio i a invitá kada partisipante pa personalmente duna un bista kon nan organisashonnan lokal ta atendé ku e retonan akí. 

Futuro Konservashon 

Kreando kolaborashon rònt e área di Karibe ta traha pa mehorá e komunikashon entre e islanan i pa krea kapasidat lokal, miéntras ku tambe ta duna un komprenshon mas profundo pa konservashon marino i protekshon di laman den su totalidat. Riba kaminda pa dilanti e konekshonnan, ku a konstruí durante e tayer akí, lo yuda na influensiá i duna forma na proyektonan di tribon i chuchu den futuro. 

E tayer tabata kordiná pa DCNA i BTW i a bira posibel danki na e finansiamentu di Blue Marine FoundationWorld Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-NL) i ku sosten operashonal di GoPro for a Cause.  

Fuente di foto: Drew Mc Dougall, Beneath the Waves




Published in BioNews 58.



Data type
Research and monitoring
Geographic location
Saba bank
St. Eustatius
St. Maarten

Receivers logbook template- harmonized shark data (R script)

R script

Stela also attached the R script she used for the report. Please let her know if anyone wants to use it and needs her help, and she’ll go through it with you.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Stela-



This goes along with the raw data set which can be found here



Please find attached a receivers logbook template  with explanation and recommendations in the email below, developed by DCNA's Shark Intern Estela Grau and Guido Leurs.

Estela Grau, DCNA's shark intern, harmonized all the shark data recorded in the Dutch Caribbean and is working with Guido Leurs on a report. This report will give a better inside of the distribution patterns of the shark species in our waters. 

To have a better understanding of the Tiger sharks' migration patterns in the Caribbean basin, they obtained all the satellite tag information from the previous expeditions. Moreover, they aim to analyze the distribution patterns of the sharks tagged using acoustic telemetry. To do so, they got in contact with some of your organizations who had placed receivers in their marine parks.

While they were collecting the receivers' logbooks, they noticed some data collection differences between the parks. To facilitate future data analysis of acoustic telemetry, they therefore developed a receivers logbook template. On this template, you will be able to find all the important data they recommend you to collect while working with acoustic receivers. 

As you can see on the Excel file, it is of high importance to write down any time the receiver spends outside of the water once it has already been installed. For instance, if you are doing a check on the receivers. The time and date when you took it out of the water, and placed back, should be recorded. If we miss one of these times, it is very difficult to know if the receiver doesn't have any shark data because the shark wasn't in the area or because the receiver wasn't on the water. 

Moreover, the coordinates were also written down in different formats depending on the park. It would help for future analysis if all the coordinates will be written down in decimal degrees.



Data type
Raw data

Receiver logbook template - harmonized shark data

Please find attached a receivers logbook template with explanation and recommendations below, developed by DCNA's Shark Intern Estela Grau and Guido Leurs.

Estela Grau, DCNA's shark intern, harmonized all the shark data recorded in the Dutch Caribbean and is working with Guido Leurs on a report. This report will give a better inside of the distribution patterns of the shark species in our waters. 

To have a better understanding of the Tiger sharks' migration patterns in the Caribbean basin, they obtained all the satellite tag information from the previous expeditions. Moreover, they aim to analyze the distribution patterns of the sharks tagged using acoustic telemetry. To do so, they got in contact with some of your organizations who had placed receivers in their marine parks.

While they were collecting the receivers' logbooks, they noticed some data collection differences between the parks. To facilitate future data analysis of acoustic telemetry, they therefore developed a receivers logbook template. On this template, you will be able to find all the important data they recommend you to collect while working with acoustic receivers. 

As you can see on the Excel file, it is of high importance to write down any time the receiver spends outside of the water once it has already been installed. For instance, if you are doing a check on the receivers. The time and date when you took it out of the water, and placed back, should be recorded. If we miss one of these times, it is very difficult to know if the receiver doesn't have any shark data because the shark wasn't in the area or because the receiver wasn't on the water. 

Moreover, the coordinates were also written down in different formats depending on the park. It would help for future analysis if all the coordinates will be written down in decimal degrees.

R script (

Stela also attached the R script she used for the report. 

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Stela-

Data type
Raw data
Research and monitoring

Caribbean Shark Coalition Launched to Promote Training, Impact, and Collaboration around shark protections in the Greater Caribbean Region

The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) and  Beneath the Waves (BTW) have launched the Caribbean Shark Coalition (CSC), an innovative, new platform to bring key stakeholders, researchers, governments and funders together to better collaborate and scale the impacts of science and policy within the entire Greater Caribbean region.

© Sami Kattan/Beneath the Waves

Represented are over 45 new members from NGOs, governments, and local businesses from 24 countries, which have formally joined the CSC to build capacity around research, policy, and education efforts for these threatened species in the region.

The Caribbean plays a key role in advancing the global target of protecting 30% of the worlds’ ocean by 2030. Under this vision, the CSC has three primary goals, which will be carried out through collaborative work and CSC-member projects. Firstly, the CSC will foster collaboration in shark and ray research, policy, and capacity building for conservation among stakeholders, and provide opportunities for knowledge transfer and data synthesis. The CSC will also seek to explore ways in which transboundary protections can be made to better safeguard the long-term health of shark and ray populations. Finally, the CSC aims to promote a sustainable future for these species as well as the human livelihoods who depend on them, by engaging local businesses, stakeholders, and private sector corporations.

“This is a historic moment for marine conservation efforts in the Caribbean,” says Tadzio Bervoets, Director of DNCA and a founding team member at the CSC. “We have been calling for transboundary marine protections in these waters, as we know that these apex predators are connecting ecosystems, reefs, fisheries, and nutrients across Exclusive Economic Zones. The CSC will help us to find and address critical knowledge gaps around sharks and rays in the region, and support collaborative research projects.”

Dr. Austin Gallagher, Chief Scientist of Beneath the Waves, shares, “Over the years we’ve had so many stakeholders from throughout the region express their interest in getting engaged in basic research or education around sharks, but a lack of resources or technical or operational expertise limited them from taking action.

He adds, “We hope The Coalition can play a role in creating that friendly, open, and supportive community those voices have been looking for.”

CSC members represent a collection of experts from NGOs, local communities, intergovernmental organizations and governments, academia, and policy institutes, and local businesses, working together to advance the study and conservation of sharks and rays found in the waters of the Greater Caribbean. The CSC will provide cross-disciplinary training, region-wide assessments, and will issue grants to CSC-member projects. The CSC will represent the interests and goals of members and, more broadly, sharks and ray species of the Caribbean at the UN (UNEP-CEP and the Regional Activity Center for the SPAW Protocols of the Cartagena Convention), IUCN-Caribbean, CITES, CMS, CBD, and other international gatherings.

For information visit


Published in BioNews 43

Data type
Education and outreach
Research and monitoring
Geographic location
Saba bank
St. Eustatius
St. Maarten