Harrison, E.

Green and hawksbill turtles in the Lesser Antilles demonstrate behavioural plasticity in inter-nesting behaviour and post-nesting migration

Satellite transmitters were deployed on three green turtles, Chelonia mydas, and two hawksbill turtles, Eretmochelys imbricata, nesting in the Lesser Antilles islands, Caribbean, between 2005 and 2007 to obtain pre- liminary information about the inter-nesting, migratory and foraging habitats in the region. Despite the extremely small dataset, both year-round residents and migrants were iden- tified; specifically, (1) two green turtles used local shallow coastal sites within 50 km of the nesting beach during all of their inter-nesting periods and then settled at these sites on completion of their breeding seasons, (2) one hawksbill turtle travelled 200 km westward before reversing direction and settling within 50 km of the original nesting beach and (3) one green and one hawksbill turtle initially nested at the proximate site, before permanently relocating to an alter- native nesting site over 190 km distant. A lack of nesting beach fidelity was supported by flipper tag datasets for the region. Tagging datasets from 2002 to 2012 supported that some green and hawksbill individuals exhibit low fidelity to nesting beaches, whereas other females exhibited a high degree of fidelity (26 turtles tagged, 40.0 km maximum distance recorded from original nesting beach). Individual turtles nesting on St Eustatius and St Maarten appear to exhibit behavioural plasticity in their inter-nesting behav- iour and post-nesting migration routes in the eastern Carib- bean. The tracking and tagging data combined indicate that some of the green and hawksbill females that nest in the Lesser Antilles islands are year-round residents, whilst oth- ers may nest and forage at alternative sites. Thus, continued year-round protection of these islands and implementation of protection programmes in nearby islands could contrib- ute towards safeguarding the green and hawksbill popula- tions of the region. 

Data type
Scientific article
Research and monitoring
Geographic location
St. Eustatius

Activity Report on the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance Sea Turtle Satellite Tracking Project 2006

Data type
Research report
Education and outreach
Research and monitoring
Geographic location
St. Eustatius

St. Eustatius Sea Turtle Conservation Programme - Annual Report 2005


The St Eustatius Sea Turtle Conservation Programme was initiated in 2001 due to concerns that the island’s sea turtle populations were being threatened due to habitat degradation and destruction. The programme is managed by St Eustatius National Parks Foundation (STENAPA), which is the main environmental non-governmental organization on the island.

The Sea Turtle Conservation Programme is affiliated to the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST) and adopts its monitoring and tagging protocols.

Since monitoring began three species of sea turtles have been confirmed nesting on the island; leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata). There was an unconfirmed nesting by a fourth species, the loggerhead (Caretta caretta), in 2004.

Five nesting beaches have been identified; Zeelandia Beach, Turtle Beach, Lynch Bay, Oranje Bay and Kay Bay. Zeelandia Beach is the primary nesting beach, and the only place where all three species nest regularly; the other beaches are used occasionally by green and hawksbills turtles.

Daily track surveys are carried out on Zeelandia Beach and Turtle Beach throughout the nesting season; the other nesting beaches are monitored sporadically. Every track is identified to species; categorised as a false crawl or a nest; all nest locations are recorded for inclusion in the nest survival and hatching success study.

In 2005:

  • Track surveys were conducted from 5 April to 21 November; a total of 190 surveys were completed.
  • Leatherback nesting activity occurred from 29 March – 22 June; 11 nests and eight false crawls were observed; all emergences were on Zeelandia Beach.
  • Green turtles were recorded from 4 July – 1 October; 15 nests and 52 false crawls were encountered; nesting was on Zeelandia Beach, Turtle Beach and Kay Bay.
  • Two hawksbill nests were observed on 27 May and 19 September; the first was on Kay Bay, the second on Zeelandia Beach.

Night patrols are only conducted on Zeelandia Beach due to limited personnel and minimal nesting on other beaches; patrols run from 9.00pm – 4.00am. Each turtle encountered is identified to species; tagged with external flipper tags and an internal PIT tag (leatherbacks only); standard carapace length and width measurements are taken; nest locations are recorded for inclusion in the nest survival and hatching success study.

In 2005:

  • Night patrols were conducted from 18 April – 20 October; 165 patrols were completed, totalling over 1,000 hours of monitoring.
  • Three leatherbacks and five green turtles were encountered during patrols; all were tagged by the Programme Co-ordinator.
  • One of the green turtles was carrying a tag that had originally been applied in August 2002; this was the first record of a remigrant turtle for the project.

Average carapace measurements for females nesting in 2005:

  • Leatherback: Curved carapace length (CCL) = 148.2cm; Curved carapace width (CCW) = 111.6cm
  • Green: CCL = 108.8cm; CCW = 100.0cm
  • No hawksbill turtles were encountered during night patrols.

All marked nests were included in a study of nest survival and hatching success. During track surveys they are monitored for signs of disturbance or predation; close to the expected hatching date observers record signs of hatchling emergence. Two days after tracks have been recorded the nest is excavated to determine hatching and emerging success.

In 2005:

  • 28 nests were marked; 11 leatherback, 15 green and two hawksbill
  • Two nests were lost during the incubation period; one leatherback nest was washed away during high tides and one green turtle nest was buried underneath a cliff fall.
  • Incubation period for leatherbacks was 60 days, for greens 58.6 days and for hawksbills 63 days.

Excavations were performed on 20 nests; eight leatherback, 10 green and 2 hawksbill.

  • Average egg chamber depth varied greatly between the three species; leatherback = 73.5cm, green = 57.5cm and hawksbill = 44.5cm
  • Mean clutch size for each species; leatherback = 77.8 yolked + 48 yolkless eggs; green = 101.2 eggs and hawksbill = 147 eggs.
  • Hatching success was greater for green nests than either hawksbill or leatherback; 76.8% compared to 41.1% and 3.5%, respectively.
  • Emerging success was lower for leatherback nests than either hawksbill or greens; 2.1% compared to 41.1% and 70.1%, respectively.
  • Very little predation was observed and few deformed embryos were recorded; one albino green turtle hatchling was encountered, and one green turtle egg contained twin embryos.
  • One green turtle nest was relocated 25 days after it was laid, due to the risk of erosion; the eggs appeared relatively unaffected by the relocation, for when excavated the hatching success was 76.4%.
  • In future years the practise of relocating nests laid in erosion zones to safer sections of the beach will continue.

A satellite tracking project was initiated in 2005 by the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance. This research was an inter-island collaboration of STENAPA and the Nature Foundation St Maarten. Dr Robert van Dam was the lead biologist, providing expertise and training in satellite telemetry methodology.

  • Two transmitters were successfully deployed on nesting females; one on a green turtle from St Eustatius in September, the second on a hawksbill from St Maarten in October.
  • The green turtle returned to nest once more after the transmitter was attached; she then remained in the near-shore waters of the island, less than 5km from the release site on the Atlantic coast. This may be the first record of an adult green turtle female being resident in her breeding area. Transmissions ended on 15 November, 2005.
  • The hawksbill turtle migrated over 350km; she travelled to the British Virgin Islands, before her transmissions stopped on 14 December, 2005.
  • An extensive education programme was part of the project. Island schools were visited by the Programme Co-ordinator and students aged 5 – 13 were taught about satellite telemetry and its use in turtle conservation. Several newspaper articles were published, and radio interviews given; in addition an exhibit was organised at the local library.
  • Two competitions were organised for students; for the “Name the Turtle” Competition students had to draw a picture of a turtle, write a story about a turtle or make a model turtle out of recyclable materials. 106 entries were received; three winners were chosen and they won various prizes, including the chance to pick the name of one of the transmitter turtles. A similar competition was held on St Maarten. The green turtle was given the name “Miss Shellie” and the hawksbill was called “Archy”.
  • The “Where’s the Turtle?” Competition had students guessing where the turtles would go on their migrations, and how far they would swim. The winners will be informed early in 2006.

Beach erosion continued on Zeelandia Beach in 2005:

  • Many of the numbered marker stakes were lost from 2004, due to high tides.
  • Over 20% were more than 2m from their 2004 location, suggesting extensive cliff erosion.
  • Sand mining compounds the erosion problem at the northern end of Zeelandia Beach. Despite being an illegal activity it occurred throughout 2005, in the gulley and on the beach
  • Five major cliff falls were recorded; each month from June – October.
  • Monitoring of erosion will be a priority for 2006.

Several different community activities were conducted in 2005:

  • A puppet show was organised for local schools and the after school programme to teach about several threats to turtles, and how they could be avoided.
  • Presentations on turtles were given at the Auxiliary Home and the Methodist church.
  • STENAPA participated in the School Vacation Programme; Antonio Flemming assisted with night patrols in his second year of the project.

Six beach clean-ups were conducted on Zeelandia Beach. A total of 12 trucks full of rubbish bags were removed in addition to a fridge, large rope, fishing net and car batteries. Unfortunately support from the local community in these events was disappointing.

The Sea Turtle Conservation Programme was featured in regular articles in the local press and on the radio. The STENAPA quarterly newsletter included two features about the research activities conducted in 2005 and the website contains several pages dedicated to the programme, with a focus on the Sea Turtle Satellite Tracking Project 2005.

Staff participated in several regional and international meetings in 2005:

  • The 2004 Programme Co-ordinator attended the 25th International Sea Turtle Symposium in Savannah, Georgia, USA, 16 – 22 January 2005 and the WIDECAST Annual General Meeting. A teacher from the high school and a student also travelled to the symposium.
  • The 2005 Programme Co-ordinator was invited to a workshop in Cuba; the focus of this meeting was to discuss the role of community involvement in sea turtle conservation projects. She gave a presentation about the programme on St Eustatius.
  • In October the Programme Co-ordinator gave a lecture as part of the “Sea & Learn on Saba” event; the work of the Sea Turtle Conservation Programme was presented to international biologists, tourists and local residents.

Management Recommendations:

Several recommendations were made for the 2006 season:

  • Continued participation of volunteers, from Working Abroad and the STENAPA Intern Programme.
  • Monitoring of nesting beaches to continue; daily track surveys on all beaches and night patrols of the primary nesting beach.
  • Further development of the research programme; expand the focus of the programme by implementing an in-water survey of juvenile turtles and continue the satellite tracking project, with the possible inclusion of leatherback turtles. 
Data type
Research report
Research and monitoring
Geographic location
St. Eustatius

St. Eustatius Sea Turtle Conservation Programme - Annual Report 2006


The St Eustatius Sea Turtle Conservation Programme was initiated in 2001 due to concerns that the island’s sea turtle populations were being threatened due to habitat degradation and destruction. The pro gramme is managed by St Eustatius National P arks Foundation (STENAPA), which is the main environmental non-governmental organization on the island.

The Sea Turtle Conservation Programme is affiliated to the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST) and adopts its monitoring and tagging protocols.

Since monitoring began, three species of sea turtles have been confirmed nesting on the island; leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata). There was an unconfirmed nesting by a fourth species, the loggerhead (Caretta caretta), in 2004.

Five nesting beaches have been identified; Zeelandia Beach, Turtle Beach, Lynch Bay, Oranje Bay and Kay Bay. Zeelandia Beach is the primary nesting beach, and the only place where all three species nest regularly; the other beaches are used occasionally by green and hawksbill turtles.

Daily track surveys are carried out on Zeelandia Beach and Turtle Beach throughout the nesting season. Weekly track surveys were carried out on Oranje Bay following the report of a hawksbill track on 1 June. The other nesting beaches were monitored sporadically. Every track is identified to species; categorised as a false crawl or a nest; all nest locations are recorded for inclusion in the nest survival and hatching success study.

In 2006:

  • Track surveys were conducted daily from 20 March to 24 November; a total of 232 morning surveys were completed.
  • Leatherback nesting activity occurred from 17 March – 14 June; 10 nests and two false crawls were observed; all emergences were on Zeelandia Beach.
  • Green turtles were recorded from 27 May until 18 September; 34 nests and 57 false crawls were encountered; nesting was on Zeelandia Beach, Turtle Beach and Kay Bay.
  • Hawksbill turtles were observed from the 3 June until 19 September. Six nests and two false crawls were recorded; hawksbills used Kay Bay (3 nests), Zeelandia Beach (1 nest) and Oranje Bay (2 nests).

Night patrols are only conducted on Zeelandia Beach due to limited personnel and minimal nesting on other beaches; patrols run from 9.00pm – 4.00am. Each turtle encountered is identified to species; tagged with external flipper tags and an internal PIT tag (leatherbacks only); standard carapace length and width measurements are taken; nest locations are recorded for inclusion in the nest survival and hatching success study.

In 2006:

  • Night patrols were conducted from 12 April –06 October; 127 patrols were completed, totalling 812.75 hours of monitoring.
  • One leatherback, three green turtles and one hawksbill turtle were encountered during patrols; all were tagged by the Programme Co-ordinator.
  • One remigrant green turtle returned to nest in the 2006 season. This green turtle was first observed on 19 July.
  • One green turtle and one hawksbill turtle during the night patrol were selected for satellite transmission in 2006. This has been the second consecutive year that the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance Satellite Tracking Project has been conducted and successfully accomplished.

Average carapace measurements for females nesting in 2006:

  • Leatherback: Curved carapace length (CCL) = 158.7 cm; Curved carapace width (CCW) = 114.8cm
  • Green: CCL = 107.0 cm; CCW = 64.9cm
  • Hawksbill: CCL = 85.5 cm; CCW = 75.0 cm.

All marked nests were included in a study of nest survival and hatching success. During track surveys they are monitored for signs of disturbance or predation; close to the expected hatching date the observers record signs of hatchling emergence. Two days after hatchling tracks have been recorded the nest is excavated to determine hatching and emerging success.

In 2006:

  • 50 nests were marked: 10 leatherbacks, 34 greens and six hawksbill nests.
  • 21 nests were lost during the incubation period; 15 green nests and six hawksbill nests were presumed to be washed away during high tides in October; one leatherback nest was washed over by the tide for three days causing inundation; All hawksbill nests were presumed to be lost, with one hawksbill nest inundated before being moved on 18 October.
  • Mean incubation period for leatherbacks was 64.3 days, for greens 51.1 days and for hawksbills was indeterminable since none survived.

Excavations were performed on 20 nests; six leatherbacks, 13 greens and one hawksbill.

  • Average egg chamber depth varied between the three species: leatherback = 68.6 cm, green = 54.4cm and hawksbill = 48.2cm.
  • Mean clutch size for each species: leatherback = 76.2 yolked + 34.2 yolkless eggs; green = 101.2 eggs and hawksbill = 131 eggs.
  • Hatching success was greater for green nests than either hawksbill or leatherback: 51% compared to 0.00 % and 21.1%, respectively.
  • Leatherbacks hatching success improved from the 2005 season, increasing from 3.5% to 21.1% in 2006.
  • All hawksbill nests were lost for the 2006 season. This was due to a culmination of reasons. Mostly because of laying in Oranje Bay and Kay Bay which has a limited area available for nesting and those areas washed away by high tides later on in the season. The one nest laid on Zeelandia was inundated for an unknown period of days before being relocated causing nest failure.
  • Emerging success was lower for leatherback than greens; 15.3 % compared to 46.4 %, respectively.
  • Very little predation was observed and a few deformed embryos were recorded; one nest had several hatchlings with deformed carapaces; one had an incomplete skull and no eyes present while another green hatchling had two sets of jaws. One green turtle egg contained twin embryos, and 11 albino green turtle hatchling was also found. Ten were found from one nest.
  • Six nests were relocated during the 2006 season; one hawksbill nest, one leatherback nest and four green turtle nests. The hawksbill nest was laid on 7 September but due to the risk of erosion from freshwater run-off from the surrounding cliff, was relocated 19 October. The eggs appeared to have been affected by the run-off.
  • The leatherback nest was immediately relocated whilst being laid. Unfortunately, the eggs were unfertilised.
  • Of the four green turtle nests that were relocated; two hatched, one was washed away and one failed to hatch.
  • In future years the practise of relocating nests laid in erosion zones to safer sections of the beach will continue.

On 27 September, a dead hawksbill turtle was encountered by the Programme Co-ordinator on Turtle Beach during a morning survey. At the current time, the Co-ordinator was lacking the equipment to perform a proper necropsy, but the turtle was moved and a necropsy was performed later. A rudimentary necropsy to determine the cause of death. Unfortunately no definitive answer as to the cause of death was determined from the necropsy.

A satellite tracking project was initiated in 2005 by the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) which was continued in 2006. This research was an inter-island collaboration between STENAP A and the Nature Foundation St Maarten. Dr Robert van Dam was the lead biologist, providing expertise and training in satellite telemetry methodology.

  • Two transmitters were successfully deployed on nesting females; one on a green turtle (“Grace”) that nested on Zeelandia on 17 September, the other was a hawksbill (“Lisa”) that nested on Zeelandia on 7 September. The turtles’ names were taken from two competitions that were organised for students for the “Name the Turtle” Competition in 2005.
  • The green turtle initially went off towards St Kitts, but then headed back towards Statia and returned to nest once more (29 September). The night patrol found her after nesting as she was returning to the ocean. They double-checked to make sure the transmitter was properly attached and it was. She then moved in between St Kitts and Nevis in presumably near-shore waters of the island. We suspect that she is in foraging grounds. As early as December, Grace has travelled a total distance of 1700 km.
  • Lisa was the first hawksbill observed nesting on St Eustatius for the 2006 season. The last observed hawksbill was in the 2004 season. She took off from Statia, and headed straight to St Barts. She remained around the uninhabited islands between St Barts and St Maarten for over two weeks before moving to Anguilla for a few days. In late September she started moving again, and travelled to the US Virgin Islands where she stayed until approximately 7 October. Then the hawksbill started out for open water and appeared to head back towards Anguilla but veered to the uninhabited islands between St Maarten and St Bartholomew again in mid October. Lisa moved just off the southeast point of St Maarten but returned to the uninhabited islands around 10 November where she has been since.

Beach erosion continued on Zeelandia Beach in 2006:

  • Many of the numbered marker stakes were lost due to high tides. Approximately, twenty were replaced.
  • A new method of beach mapping and erosion was undertaken this year. Data were collected in July and November and compared within the year. 64% of the stakes had recorded a positional change from the cliffs that were less than 50cm from their July positions. Only one stake recorded more than 2m cliff erosion from its July location. Although the data does not suggest extensive cliff erosion, the data points to possible steady erosion. Preliminary data stills needs multiple year analyses before any tangible conclusions can be made.
  • Sand mining compounds the erosion problem at the northern end of Zeelandia Beach. Despite being an illegal activity, it occurred throughout 2006, in the gully and on the beach.
  • In addition to the illegal sand mining, the Executive Council of the Island Government agreed to a one-year policy of sand mining to curb the sand shortage for construction on St Eustatius. This policy started 11 October and will be a temporary solution that will be monitored with certain steps placed to minimise the impact on Zeelandia Beach. None of the preparation steps agreed to have been implemented but the Executive Council has already permitted one sand mining operation to proceed on 1 November.
  • Four major cliff falls and four minor cliff falls were recorded from June to October.
  • Monitoring of erosion will be a priority for 2007. A suggestion for 2007 is to monitor erosion rates and water table to see if there is a correlation.

Several different community activities were conducted in 2006:

  • A puppet show was organised for local schools and the after school programme to teach about water quality with a turtle, Scout, as the main puppet in the theme.

Ten beach clean-ups were conducted on Zeelandia Beach. A total of 16 trucks full of rubbish bags were removed, including a partial radiator, water heater, large rope, fishing nets, oil barrel, a plastic barrel, four large batteries and several car batteries. Unfortunately it was difficult to attract support from the local community despite visits to schools to notify classes.

The Sea Turtle Conservation Programme was featured in regular articles in the local press and on the radio. The STENAPA quarterly newsletter included several features about the research activities conducted in 2006 and the new website contains several pages dedicated to the programme, with a focus on the Sea Turtle Satellite Tracking Project 2006.

Staff participated in several regional and international meetings in 2006:

  • The Programme Co-ordinator, Emma Harrison attended the 26th International Sea Turtle Symposium in Crete, Greece 3 – 8 April, 2006 and the WIDECAST Annual General Meeting.
  • The Programme Co-ordinator travelled to Puerto Rico from 11 – 19 March, to participate in the in-water monitoring programme of juvenile green and hawksbill turtles at foraging sites close to Culebra Island. The purpose was to receive training in a protocol for conducting in-water capture of turtles, possibly implementing the techniques on Culebra Island to the St. Eustatius in-water monitoring programme.
  • On 16 August, STENAPA held its first Annual Public Meeting upstairs at the government guesthouse. At the Annual P ublic Meetin g, Dr Harr ison, gave a presentation on the Sea Turtle Conservation Programme.
  • In September, the Programme Co-ordinator was the opening night speaker of the “Sea & Learn on Saba” event. The work of the Sea Turtle Conservation Programme was presented to international biologists, tourists and local residents. The focus of the presentation was satellite tracking and its role in the conservation of Caribbean Sea turtles.

Management Recommendations:

Several recommendations are made for the 2007 season:

  • Continued participation of volunteers, from Working Abroad and the STENAPA Intern Programme. To extend volunteer participation, and arrange a dedicated Sea Turtle intern(s) for the upcoming 2007 season.
  • Monitoring of nesting beaches to continue: daily track surveys on all beaches and night patrols of the primary nesting beach.
  • Further development of the research programme: expand the focus of the programme by implementing an in-water survey of juvenile turtles and continue the satellite tracking project. There is a proposal to extend the satellite tracking to leatherback turtles for 2007.
  • Monitoring of erosion should also become a priority. In addition, monitor the water table at Zeelandia beach to determine if the subterranean water levels are causing possible egg failure but more importantly accelerating possible beach erosion.
  • As well as the monitoring of erosion, continue to monitor the sand mining approved by the Executive Council of the Island Government and develop alternatives, including instigating a study to assess sustainability of sand mining and impact to the beach nourishment process.
  • Include schoolchildren in carrying out beach cleanups. Arrange a contest to see who can collect the most rubbish and award a prize to the winner of the competition.
  • Integrate The Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal CleanupTM Campaign with monthly beach cleanups. The Ocean Conservancy organizes a worldwide annual cleanup on 16 September.
  • Revitalize the in-water turtle sighting surveys with the local diving centres. This information will he lp make more informed decisions regarding the in-water monitoring programme. 
Data type
Research report
Research and monitoring
Geographic location
St. Eustatius

Activity Report on the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance Sea Turtle Satellite Tracking Project 2005

In June funding from the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) was confirmed to initiate a satellite tracking project of sea turtles on St Eustatius and St Maarten, with collaboration from the St Eustatius National Parks Foundation (STENAPA) and the Nature Foundation St Maarten. The object of this study was to determine the migration pathways and feeding grounds of the islands’ nesting green and hawksbill turtles.

The purpose of this report is to summarise the activities of the DCNA Sea Turtle Satellite Tracking Project 2005, with specific reference to public awareness activities on St Eustatius and media coverage of the project. 

Data type
Research report
Education and outreach
Research and monitoring
Geographic location
St. Eustatius
St. Maarten